Scientific Activities

Beside data generation, the SHP team is involved in a wide range of scientific activities and makes its data available to the scientific community.
We organize an annual event, alternatingly an international conference and a methodological workshop. The conference allows panel users to meet, to discuss the use of the SHP data and panel data in general, and present their ongoing work. The aim of the workshop is to familiarise users with longitudinal analysis methods.

Upcoming in 2025

See you in 2025 for the next conference of panel data users in Switzerland!

Past events


The SHP workshop took place from June 4th to June 7th, 2024. After a one-day introduction to the SHP and data management with SPSS led by members of the SHP team, Prof. Matthias Studer and his team from the University of Geneva gave an introduction to Sequence Analysis.


The 12th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland took place on the 14th and 15th of June 2023 at the University of Lausanne. You can find the program here.


Our workshop took place from June 7-10 2022. Dr. Marco Giesselmann gave a workshop entitled “Panel Event Designs and Panel Regression Models” from June 7-9. On June 10, the SHP team gave an introduction to the SHP and data management in SPSS.


The biennial SHP workshop took place from September 13 to 15 2021 at the University of Lausanne. It took place exceptionally this year as it was not possible to conduct it in 2020. The workshop gave an introduction to the SHP and focussed on data management with R.

The 11th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland took place on June 10 2021 online. More information can be found on the conference website.


The 10th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland took place from 5 to 6 June 2019 at the University of Lausanne. This anniversary conference also marked the 20th wave of data collection of the SHP.


The SHP workshop took place from 11 to 14 June at the University of Lausanne. Prof. André Berchthold gave a course on “Missing data and data imputation with the Swiss Household Panel”.

Research network
Data users become members of the “Living in Switzerland” research network. They automatically receive an invitation to the Swiss Panel Conference and to workshops.

Currently, our research network has more than 1’500 registered members coming from a wide range of disciplines: sociology, economics, political science, public health, psychology, statistics, education and geography. The SHP data are not only used by academic institutions in Switzerland and abroad, but also by the public administration.

Members of the research network who wish to make changes to their profile can do that directly on SWISSUbase.

Publications of the research network
You can search the bibliographic database by title or author:


You can also access the Zotero database for more complex search options.

The database currently contains publications from 2018 to 2021 and will be updated each year. Previous publications will be added step by step.

If you have worked with the Swiss Household Panel and miss your publication in this list, or if you want to announce a new publication, please send the complete reference to Thank you for your collaboration.

The SHP is also involved in many international projects and enables comparisons with surveys or panels in other countries.
Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF)
The SHP is part of the Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF). The CNEF contains equivalently defined variables for the US – Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID), the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), the British Household Panel Study (BHPS)/(Understanding Society), the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA), the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID), the Korean Labour and Income Panel Survey (KLIPS), the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS-HSE), the Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS) and the Swiss Household Panel (SHP).

The data is designed to allow cross-national researchers to access a simplified version of these panels with guidelines for formulating equivalent variables across countries.

An article (Frick et al. 2007) describing the CNEF project can be downloaded here.

The CNEF variables of the SHP can be obtained via two channels:

  1. Download CNEF variables of the SHP via SWISSUbase.
  2. Access CNEF data of all member countries via the CNEF-Homepage.

The CNEF data and documentation can be obtained via the CNEF-Homepage. However, to access CNEF versions of the data you must (1) apply to the provider in each country for permission and (2) contact the CNEF-project team to receive your copy of the cross national dataset.

Comparative Panel File (CPF)
The Comparative Panel File (CPF) is an open science project to harmonise the world’s major and longest-running household panel surveys from seven countries: Australia (HILDA), Germany (SOEP), Great Britain (BHPS and UKHLS), Korea (KLIPS), Russia (RLMS), Switzerland (SHP), and the United States (PSID). The CPF provides an open-source code to construct a comparative dataset based on the original data from the household panel surveys. The code can be further modified and extended. The project aims to support the community of sociologists, demographers and other researchers interested in comparative life course studies. The multilevel panel data covering long periods and several general population surveys allow analysing individual trajectories, time trends, contextual effects and country differences.

See also: Turek, C., Kalmijn, M., Leopold, T. 2020. Comparative Panel File: Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries.

Links to other panel studies and collaborations

Other panel studies in Switzerland:

Transitions for Education to Employment (TREE)

Swiss Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (COCON)

Survey on Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)

Other household panels:

Germany : Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP)

Australia : Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (HILDA)

US : Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)

Canada : Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID)

UK : British Household Panel Survey (BHPS)/(Understanding Society)

South Korea : Korean Labor & Income Panel Study (KLIPS)

Morocco: Enqûete panel de ménage (ONDH)

Japan: Japan Household Panel Survey (JHPS)

Other collaborations:

Swiss Centre of Expertise in Life Course Reesarch (LIVES)

Swiss National Cohort (SNC)

The SHP survey enjoys a favourable echo in Switzerland’s media as the articles show.
SHP in the media
Glauben Sie an Gott?
Tagesanzeiger, May 3, 2024

Also doch Helikoptereltern
NZZ am Sonntag, March 17, 2024

Die Qual der Männer auf dem Liebesmarkt: Die Zahl der unfreiwilligen Junggesellen in der Schweiz wächst
NZZ am Sonntag, February 24, 2024

Faut-il inciter la population suisse à faire des enfants?
Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at the SHP
RTS – Forum, January 23, 2024

Soziologin Laura Bernardi über das Phänomen unfreiwillige Single-Männer
Blick, December 4, 2023

In This Country, Most People Rent for Life. Is That Really What They Want?
The New York Times, November 6, 2023

Eclairage et commentaires de certains des résultats d’un grand sondage d’opinion de la SSR à la lumière de l’enquête «Vivre en Suisse»
Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at the SHP
RTS – Forum, August 23, 2023

Clémentine Rossier, démographe: «La plupart des jeunes Suisses disent vouloir des enfants, beaucoup n’en font pas»
Le Temps, August 1, 2023

Pourquoi les Suisses font moins d’enfants ?
Interview with Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at the SHP
RTS – Forum, July 19, 2023

Et si on touchait l’AVS en fonction du nombre d’enfants?
20 Minutes, July 16, 2023

Trend zur Kinderlosigkeit beschleunigt sich markant
NZZ am Sonntag, July 16, 2023

Rise of voluntary childlessness poses a demographic challenge in Switzerland
The Rising Nepal, July 1, 2023

Erst teuer studieren, dann Steuern optimieren
NZZ am Sonntag, March 12, 2023

La santé, cette oubliée du débat
Le Temps, February 1, 2023

Bin ich optimistisch?
Tagesanzeiger, January 27, 2023

Mariage, un rêve et des promesses
Interview (French) with Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at the SHP
RTS – Les Echos de Vacarme, January 15, 2023

Faut-il introduire en Suisse le PACS pour tous?
Interview (French) with Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at the SHP
RTS – Forum, November 15, 2022

Klima und Umweltfragen mobilisieren alle Generationen
higgs, February 22, 2022

Frauen haben weniger Interesse an Vollzeitjobs – nicht nur wegen der Kinder
Tagesanzeiger, February 21, 2022

Klima und Umweltfragen mobilisieren alle Generationen
DeFacto, February 7, 2022

La pandémie est un pas en arrière en matière d’égalité
24 Heures, November 10, 2021

Comment les couples deviennent (presque) des sosies
24 Heures, July 27, 2021

Die Pandemie bedeutete nicht für alle mehr Stress
NZZ, July 12, 2021

Sie wollen ihr Vor-Corona-Leben nicht zurück: Warum rekordviele Menschen eine Firma gründen
Luzerner Zeitung, July 10, 2021

Le semi-confinement a déstressé les plus aisés
Le Temps, July 7, 2021

Coronavirus: la première vague a été une pause pour les personnes stressées
Le Nouvelliste, July 6, 2021

La pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées
RTS info, July 6, 2021

Les bas revenus ont davantage souffert de la pandémie
SWI swissinfo, June 24, 2021

Geringverdienende bekommen Corona-Pandemie stärker zu spüren
Argovia Today, June 24, 2021

Persone con basso reddito più colpite dalla pandemia
laRegione, June 24, 2021

Gesünder leben trotz Corona?
Die Volkswirtschaft, May 19, 2021 (FR)

Der Lockdown ist auch ein Stresskiller
Tages-Anzeiger, March 24, 2021

Gleichstellung in der Schweiz: Erwerbstätigkeit von Müttern noch immer wenig akzeptiert
BEEHIVE, February 20, 2021

Les jeunes plus conservateurs sur l’égalité hommes-femmes?
24 heures, February 13, 2021

«La participation des femmes au marché du travail est plébiscitée tant qu’elles n’ont pas d’enfant», conclut une étude
Le Temps, February 10, 2021

«The participation of women in the labor market is popular as long as they have no children», concludes a study
World Today News, February 10, 2021

Sciences sociales: les milléniaux ont des attitudes de genre plus traditionnelles
Le Nouvelliste, February 9, 2021

Egalité des genres: l’emploi des mères toujours mal accepté
HR Today, February 9, 2021

Sui ruoli uomo-donna i Millennials sono tradizionalisti
laRegione, February 9, 2021

I millennial non conoscono la parità di genere
Ticinonline, February 9, 2021

Millennials hanno visione tradizionale ruoli uomo e donna, studio
SWI swissinfo, February 9, 2021

Ne pas avoir d’enfant est associé à de l’égoïsme
Migrosmagazin, August 17, 2020

Day of the sick – italian
Tag der Kranken, February 29, 2020

Comment le statut social des individus influence leur choix d’un partenaire?
RTS Avis d’experts, Tribu, Mai 31 , 2020

“Comment se porte l’union libre?”
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère. Emission “ON EN PARLE”, May 4, 2019 with Valérie-Anne Ryser, Senior Researcher at Fors.

Eclairage: Comment rebondissons-nous dans l’adversité?
ARCINFO, April 8, 2019

Wie ungleich die Einkommen verteilt sind
Republik, March 25, 2019

Les couples qui gagnent le même salaire seraient plus heureux en amour
Femina, March 18, 2019

Die «Sex and the City»-Falle: Männer müssen Bildungsnachteil mit Einkommen wettmachen
Aargauer Zeitung, March 10, 2019

Liebe geht auch durchs Portemonnaie
Tages-Anzeiger, March 7, 2019

En Suisse, les gens trouvent de plus en plus l’amour dans leur catégorie de revenue
La Côte, March 5, 2019

L’importance croissante du revenu pour le choix du partenaire
Le Temps, March 5, 2019

L’amore sboccia fra chi guadagna uguale
Ticinonews, March 5, 2019

Teilzeitarbeit macht Väter unglücklich
Der Bund, July 4, 2018

Non di solo pane si nutrono le scelte femminili
Rete due, April 12, 2018

Die Kraft der Freundschaft
NZZ am Sonntag, December 24, 2017

Glücklich ist der Teilzeit-Papa nur in der Theorie
NZZ am Sonntag, September 10, 2017

Frauen sind mit Teilzeit glücklicher als Männer
St. Galler Tagblatt, September 7, 2017

Frauen glücklicher als Männer mit Teilzeitarbeit
Luzerner Zeitung, September 7, 2017

Teilzeit macht Frauen glücklich und Männer unglücklich
Aargauer Zeitung, September 7, 2017

Teilzeit oder Vollzeit, was macht zufriedener? (version française ici)
DeFacto, September 5, 2017

Heiraten macht krank!
Blick, June 4, 2017

Get Married, Get Healthy? Maybe Not
The New York Times, May 25, 2017

Jobverlust stiehlt Kinderwunsch
Wiener Zeitung, March 17, 2017

Jeder Zehnte findet seine Wohnung zu gross
NZZ, December 8, 2016

Un ménage sur dix occupe un logement trop grand
Le Matin, December 8, 2016

Der steinige Weg zum Wohneigentum. Nur wer erbt, kann kaufen
NZZ, November 26, 2016

“Changer de parti?”
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère. Emission “TRIBU”, December 15, 2015
Dr Ursina Kuhn, collaboratrice scientifique de l‘enquête « Vivre en Suisse », a fait une thèse basée sur les données de notre enquête sur les changements de préférences partisanes. Dans l’émission TRIBU, elle présente les résultats de sa thèse.

La maturité ne condamne pas à une vie en marge du marché du travail!
Le Temps, 29 juin 2016

Les crises ont un effet égalitaire
Le Courrier, October 13, 2015

Schweizer beim Wählen alles andere als treu
20 Minuten, October 9, 2015

Les inégalités du revenu suisse
Le Temps, October 7, 2015

Einkommensverteilung in der Schweiz. Konstante Ungleichheit seit 1990
NZZ, October 7, 2015

L’électeur suisse est très volatil, un sur deux change de parti
La gruyère, October 6, 2015

50% des suisses changent de parti politique
Allez savoir, September, 2015

Un Suisse sur deux est infidèle en politique
Le Matin, September 20, 2015

“Travailler, comment on s’arrête?”
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère. Emission “VACARME”, September 2, 2015
Dr Valérie-Anne Ryser est une collaboratrice scientifique de l’enquête « Vivre en Suisse ». Avec d’autres invités, elle discute dans l’émission VACARME des expériences faites par les personnes lors de la transition de l’emploi à la retraite.

Arbeitslosigkeit ist keine Gewöhnungssache
Psychologie Heute, March, 2013

A Home of One’s Own
Bulletin, January, 2013

“Décryptage du Panel suisse de ménages”
Radio Télévision Suisse la 1ère. Emission “ON EN PARLE”, January 24, 2013
Dario Spini est professeur à l’Université de Lausanne et directeur du PRN LIVES. Invité de l’émission ON EN PARLE, il présente notre enquête à un grand public.

SOEP-Studie : Geteiltes Leid ist nicht halbes Leid – Arbeitslosigkeit schmerzt auch wenn viele Menschen einer Region betroffen sind
Pressemitteilung DIW, September, 2012

Arbeitsmarkt “Arbeitslose sind unglücklich genug”
Zeit Online, September, 2012

“Die Zeit heilt keine Wunden”
Frankfurter Allgemeine, September, 2012

Etre parents ? Non merci !
Le Matin, 22 July, 2012

Die Schweizer zieht es an den Strand und in die Berge
Sonntagszeitung, July, 2012

Geschiedene Frauen stimmen seltener ab
Aargauer Zeitung, July, 2012

Die Wohlstands-Sterbekarte der Schweiz
Tagesanzeiger, June 25, 2012

En couple, sans enfants, un choix hors normes
24 heures, Mai 3, 2012

Die Milchbüchleinrechnung — Statistik über die Haushalte in der Schweiz
NZZ Folio, February, 2011

Winterthur — die Stadt der glücklichsten Frauen
Migros-Magazin, August 2, 2010

Portrait des ménages en Suisse
Uniscope N° 549 from November 30 to December 31, 2009

Blick durchs Schlüsselloch
20 Minuten, December 18, 2009

Pourquoi le divorce isole-t-il les femmes ?
Femina, November 22, 2009

Les femmes trinquent
Femina, November 15, 2009

L’incidence de l’idéologie familiale sur les carrières féminines
L’AGEFI, November 11, 2009

Zufriedenheit : Winterthur schlägt Zürich
Tages-Anzeiger, June 12, 2009

Die Stadt, die Frauen glücklich macht
Der Landbote, June 12, 2009

In Winterthur sind die Frauen am glücklichsten
Blick, June 11, 2009

Das Glück läuft hinterher
Fokus, Sonntags Zeitung, Mai 31, 2009

Grüne gehen am meisten fremd
Blick, Montag, July 2, 2007

Le retour des femmes au foyer
Le Matin, June 29, 2007

Arbeiten und Kinder haben. Jetzt reden die Mütter !
Blick, June 29, 2007

“Wenn das Mami arbeitet, leidet das Kind”
Blick, June 28, 2007

80% des votants sont infidèles à leur parti !
L’illustré, June 27, 2007

Une conférence internationale autour du Panel suisse des ménages à Neuchâtel
Le Quotidien Jurassien, February 24, 2007

Les familles suisses dans le temps (plus disponible)
Radio Suisse Romande la 1ère. Emission “LA SMALA”, April 1, 2006

Cinq mille familles sous la loupe
L’Express, February 22, 2006

Communiqué de presse
Poolneige (Pool Neuchâtelois d’informatique de gestion), June 2, 2004

Une année dans la vie des Suisses
Horizons, June, 2004 (FR, DE)

Brückenbauer September 23, 2003

Une Suisse de plus en plus POLARISÉE
Construire, September 23, 2003

Ausbau der statistischen Infrastruktur – Projekt “Leben in der Schweiz 2020″
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, July 1, 2002

Plutôt branchés, les Suisses
L’illustré, October 24, 2001

Serie “Forschen in Team”
Agenda, February 2001

Enquête sur les ménages suisses
Echo, December 7, 2000

Fast wie im Paradis
Schweizer Familie, September 14, 2000

La vie de Monsieur et Madame Suisse
Horizons, September, 1999 (FR, DE)

Angst 2000 : Keine Jobs mehr für unsere Kinder
Sonntags Blick, June 27, 1999

Panel Suisse de Ménages. (FR, DE)