The Sounding Board of Service Providers has just published a report with key recommendations to strengthen Open Research Data practices in Switzerland.
Das zweite Online-Webinar findet am 5. Februar 2025 von 14:00 bis 15:30 Uhr statt und wird von Noémi Villars-Amberg (DaSCH) und Meret Hildebrandt (FORS) moderiert.
Forschende sind eingeladen, Fragen für den 2. Teil der MOSAiCH-Befragung 2026 vorzuschlagen. Die Einreichungsfrist ist der 21. April 2025.
This doctoral study based on the SHP reveals that urban greenery and mixed land use significantly enhance life satisfaction, offering valuable insights for future urban planning.
To celebrate 25 years of longitudinal research in Switzerland, the SHP and TREE are hosting a conference at the University of Lausanne on June 4-5, 2025.
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The final version of the ISSP 2021 Health and Health Care II data file offers insights into health attitudes and behaviours from Switzerland and 29 other member countries.
We are pleased to announce the release of our updated search tool, designed to provide a detailed overview of the available SHP questions and variables.
We are pleased to announce that the beta-version of wave 25 of the Swiss Household Panel has been published on SWISSUbase.
A new study found that older adults experienced increased stress and decreased life satisfaction and positive affect after the Covid-19 pandemic, indicating greater difficulties adapting to the uncertain post-pandemic world.

Die Schweizer Wahlstudie Selects untersucht seit 1995 die Wahlteilnahme und das Wahlverhalten bei eidgenössischen Wahlen.
This package provides functions for extracting, assembling, and matching user-specified variable data into sequences with variables from unique files.
The survey data collected in the latest round of the European Social Survey (ESS) is now available for 13 countries, including Switzerland.
FORS is pleased to be part of the founding assembly and announces the appointment of Georg Lutz, Director of FORS, to the position of President within SSHOC-CH.

The ESS is honored to receive this prize in recognition of their collective work to deliver high quality data infrastructure to European social scientists.
The SHP team has published a call for contributions for the Research Topic “Exploring Social Stratification Dynamics: Insights from Longitudinal Survey Data”. Submit your abstract until July 31, 2024.

Der Jahresbericht 2023 dokumentiert unsere vielfältigen Aktivitäten im Laufe des Jahres. Jetzt nachlesen.

The ISSP is pleased to announce the publication of the first partial data release of the ISSP 2021 Health and Health Care II.

Die MOSAiCH/ISSP Daten 2023 zum Thema Nationale Identität und Staatsbürgerschaft sind nun erhältlich.
The registration and the programme are out now. In response to requests from past participants, 3 new courses are introduced this year.
Researchers are invited to submit applications for modules of questions to be fielded in each round of the European Social Survey. The deadling is April 26, 2023.
Geladene Gäste haben sich am 16. November zum 15. Jubiläum von FORS versammelt und über den beeindruckenden Weg von FORS, sowie seine zukünftige Ausrichtung gesprochen.
Brian Kleiner, Head of Data and Research Information Services for the Social Sciences: “Through CESSDA, we are able to build things together with other Data Archives and we benefit from what we build”.
A new study using data from the SHP and the SOEP states that the life satisfaction trajectories around retirement age have improved over the last 20 years.