08 - 29 Okt 2024

Lunch Seminar Series on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Save the dates for the FORS Lunch Seminars on AI: 24 September, 8 October & 29 October 2024 (12:45 pm to 1:45 pm in the AULA of the IDHEAP at UNIL- Mouline, Chavannes-près-Renens). Bojana Tasic, Head of the Infrastructure and Development Unit at FORS, will lead these sessions.

06 Nov 2024

FORS-DaSCH Webinar-Reihe: Datenmanagement für Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften

FORS und DaSCH (Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities) bieten eine neue Reihe kostenloser Online-Webinare zum Datenmanagement für Forschende in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften an. Das erste Webinar behandlet das Thema “Planning Data Management”.

12 Nov 2024

Third edition of the CNES Seminar Series: “Online Panels in National Election Studies: Opportunities and Challenges”

The CNES Seminar Series casts a spotlight on different National Election Studies that share their experiences in designing and conducting election studies. Free online event.

25 - 29 Nov 2024

Intensive course on RDM and Open Science in the social sciences

Elevate your research in today’s data-driven world by gaining critical skills in Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science.

Past events

09 - 23 Aug 2024

28th Summer School in Social Science Methods

The programme of the 28th Summer School in Social Science Methods in Lugano is out now and the registration is open.

04 - 07 Juni 2024

The registration for the SHP workshop in June is still open

The Swiss Household Panel (SHP) workshop will take place in Lausanne from the 4th to the 7th of June 2024. Register until the 27th of May 2024.

28 Mai 2024

Join us for the next Methods and Research Meeting 

We welcome Thomas Louail, CNRS researcher in computational social science. The title of his presentation is “Unveiling social desirability scales by comparing individuals’ responses to an online survey with their streaming history data”. The seminar will take place at Géopolis, room 5799, University of Lausanne from 12:15 to 13:30.

26 Mai 2024

Schweizer Methodenfestival für qualitative Forschungsmethoden (4.-5.09.2024)

In 15 Ateliers können sich Interessierte über den aktuellen Stand verschiedener Methoden informieren und Fragen sowie ihre eigenen Projekte mit Expertinnen und Experten diskutieren. Anmeldefrist: 26.05.2024

14 Mai 2024

FORS Lunch seminar on the transformation of power structures within the Swiss business elite (1890-2020)

Join us at Géopolis for this lunch seminar with Pedro Araujo PhD, Senior Researcher at FORS

15 Apr 2024

Projektausschreibung: Sozialwissenschaftliche Jugenderhebung 2026/2027

Für die Erhebung 2026/2027 suchen die ch-x eine Forscherin bzw. einen Forscher, die/der das Projekt auf der Grundlage eines von ihr/ihm entwickelten Konzeptes innerhalb der Vorgaben ch-x durchführt.

12 - 16 Feb 2024

Love Data Week Switzerland

We are delighted to inform you about a series of dedicated sessions scheduled for the Love Data Week Switzerland. Join them online for free.

30 Jan 2024

Next presentation of the FORS-SSP Methods & Research Meeting with Florian Keusch

Professor Florian Keusch from the University of Mannheim will give a presentation on the Quality of Digital Behavioral Data.

28 Nov 2023

Sharing personal data through a data repository

Are you involved in the provision of data management support to social science researchers in Swiss research institutions? Then register for this free online workshop.

20 Okt 2023

Call for abstracts: ISSP user conference on Environment

The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is delighted to announce its second ISSP User Conference, scheduled for December 4, 2023 around the topic of Environment. Submit your abstract till October 20, 2023.

14 - 15 Juni 2023

12th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland

This edition includes sessions covering topics, such as health and well-being, education and labour market, families, gender, ethnic minorities and migration, politics and attitudes, survey methodology, and longitudinal methods.

27 - 28 März 2023

Advance Care Planning Dialogue Workshop

10 years of advance directives in Switzerland: an interdisciplinary public health perspective on advance care planning

14 März 2023

FORS Lunch seminar with the winners of the FORS Data Re-use Award 2022

Presentations of the projects of the winners, notably Rita Schmutz (LIVES, University of Lausanne) and Mengling Cheng (LIVES, University of Lausanne)

14 Feb 2023

Introduction to LaRS-SWISSUbase for the Linguistics Community

Register now for this free online webinar that explains how you can deposit and share your research data in linguistics.

31 Jan 2023

Next presentation of the Methods & Research Meetings with Professor Marc Scott

Who is minding the children? Gender equity in the first two years of the Pandemic