
The relevance of the war in Ukraine during the 2023 Swiss Federal elections 


Elie Michel and Lukas Lauener will present their research at this FORS Lunch Seminar.

Data Live: Your monthly Q&A on data management and data sharing


Do you have questions about managing and sharing your social science research data? We’ve got answers. Every second Thursday of the month from 13:00 to 14:00 online.

Fourth edition of the CNES Seminar Series: “Sampling in Challenging Circumstances: Strategies and Opportunities”


The CNES Seminar Series casts a spotlight on different National Election Studies that share their experiences in designing and conducting election studies. Free online event.


Register now for the conference “Celebrating 25 Years of Longitudinal Surveys in Switzerland”

Registration is now open for this conference, hosted by the Swiss Household Panel and TREE at the University of Lausanne on June 4–5, 2025.

Data Live: Your monthly Q&A on data management and data sharing

Do you have questions about managing and sharing your social science research data? We’ve got answers. Every second Thursday of the month from 13:00 to 14:00 online.

Publikation des MOSAiCH 2024 Datensatzes zum Thema «Digitale Gesellschaften»

Die MOSAiCH/ISSP Daten 2024 zum Thema «Digitale Gesellschaften» sind nun erhältlich.

Wie wir Ihre Daten in unseren Erhebungen schützen

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Ihre Daten verarbeitet werden, wenn Sie an einer unserer FORS-Erhebungen teilnehmen? Wir haben ein kurzes Video erstellt, das Ihnen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen unserer Datenschutzprozesse gibt.