Unemployment Insurance and the Family: Heterogeneous Effects of Benefit Generosity on Reemployment and Economic Precarity
Kuhn Ursina, Hevenstone Debra, Vandecasteele Leen, Sepahniya Samin, Kessler Dorian, 2024. Sociological Science, 11 pp. 649-379. Peer-reviewed.
Income Imputation in Longitudinal Surveys: A Within-Individual Panel-Regression Approach
Lipps Oliver, Kuhn Ursina, 2023/08/08. Survey Research Methods , 17 (2) pp. 159–175. Peer-reviewed.
A dynamic perspective on the evolution of perceived stress levels in Switzerland: drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Refle Jan-Erik, Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/04/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14 (2) pp. 240-274. Peer-reviewed.
Patterns of (de)politicization in times of crisis: Swiss residents' political engagement, 1999–2020
Marquis Lionel, Kuhn Ursina, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2022/10/13. Frontiers in Political Science, 4. Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss Household Panel (SHP)
Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Klaas Hannah, Kuhn Ursina, Lebert Florence, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2021/11/03. Journal of Economics and Statistics.
L’évolution du stress en Suisse – la première vague de la pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées / Die Entwicklung von Stress in der Schweiz – die erste Welle der Pandemie verschafft gestressten Menschen eine Pause
Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Refle Jan-Erik, Voorpostel Marieke, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Dasoki Nora, Tillmann Robin, 2021/07/05. Social change in Switzerland, 26.
Effets de la pandémie de coronavirus et du semiconfinement sur les conditions de vie : une analyse de l’enquête « COVID-19 » du Panel suisse de ménages selon les catégories de revenu
Tillmann Robin, Kuhn Ursina, Kühr Judith, Thiévent Romaric, Tabin Jean-Pierre, 2021/06/24., OFAS.
Codebook for CNEF variables in the SHP (1999 - 2021)
Lipps Oliver, Kuhn Ursina, 2021/01/30..
Introducing web in a refreshment sample of the Swiss Household Panel: Main findings from a pilot study
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Tillmann Robin, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Lebert Florence, Klaas Hannah S., Dasoki Nora, 2020/12/01., FORS.
Augmented wealth in Switzerland: the influence of pension wealth on wealth inequality
Kuhn Ursina, 2020/12. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 156 (1).
Who is most affected by the Corona crisis? An analysis of changes in stress and well-being in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah S., Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Refle Jan-Erik, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Tillmann Robin et al., 2020/11/21. European Societies pp. 1-15.
First results of the Swiss Household Panel – Covid-19 Study
Refle Jan-Erik, Voorpostel Marieke, Lebert Florence, Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah Sophie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Dasoki Nora, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Tillmann Robin, 2020/11/13. (1) 51 report, FORS.
(When) Do Critical Life Events Push People to the Populist Radical Right? Support for the Swiss People's Party Following Relationship Dissolution, Unemployment or a Health Crisis
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2020/11/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 515-533.
Early retirement as a privilege for the rich? A comparative analysis of Germany and Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Grabka Markus M., Suter Christian, 2020/11. Advances in Life Course Research p. 100392.
Feeling Blue by Extension: Intrafamily Transmission and Economic Pressures Explain the Native-Immigrant Gap in Well-Being among Youth in Switzerland
Sarrasin Oriane, Green Eva G. T., Potarca Gina, Bolzman Claudio, Kuhn Ursina, 2019/12/27. Social Inclusion, 7 (4) p. 293.
Wie die AHV die soziale Ungleichheit mindert
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/12/09. Republik Online Magazin.
Gleiche Einkommen, ungleiche Vermögen
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/10/28. Republik.
Comparison of survey data on wealth in Switzerland
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, Brulé Gaël, Suter Christian, 2019/07/15. Journal of Economic and Social Measurement, 44 (1) pp. 25-55. Peer-reviewed.
Als die Topverdiener davonzogen
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/05/22. Republik.
Schnipp, schnapp Neuste Zahlen zeigen: In der Schweiz öffnet sich die Schere zwischen Arm und Reich nicht weiter.
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/05/05. Schweizer Monat, 1066 pp. 22-25.
Wie ungleich die Einkommen verteilt sind
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/03/23. Republik.
Les opposés ne s’attirent pas – le rôle de la formation et du revenu dans la mise en couple en Suisse
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, Suter Christian, 2019/03/05. Social Change in Switzerland 17 pp. 1-13.
How to measure income
Kuhn Ursina, 2019/01/31., FORS.
Pensionsansprüche: Vermögensungleichheit auf dem Prüfstand
Kuhn Ursina, 2018/12/04. Knoten & Maschen.
The link between separation and political party preference: selectivity or causal influence?
Voorpostel Marieke, Coffe Hilde, Kuhn Ursina, 2018/11/19. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
Nur Unfreiwillige Teilzeitarbeit Macht Väter Unglücklich
Kuhn Ursina, 2018/07/16. DeFacto.
Buffering Effects for Negative Life Events: The Role of Material, Social, Religious and Personal Resources
Kuhn Ursina, Brulé Gaël, 2018/06/30. Journal of Happiness Studies, 20 (5) pp. 1397-1417. Peer-reviewed.
Wealth, Savings and Children Among Swiss, German and Australian Families
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, 2018. pp. 161-174 dans Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Farago Peter (eds.) Social Dynamics in Swiss Society, Springer International Publishing.
Homeownership and Wealth in Switzerland and Germany
Kuhn Ursina, Grabka Markus, 2018. pp. 175-185 dans Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Farago Peter (eds.) Life Course Research and Social Policies, Springer International Publishing.
Do Opposites Attract? Educational Assortative Mating and Dynamics of Wage Homogamy in Switzerland 1992-2014
Ravazzini Laura, Kuhn Ursina, Suter Christian, 2017/11/30. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Swiss Journal of Sociology, 43 (3) pp. 567-586. Peer-reviewed.
The Impact of Assortative Mating on Income Inequality in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Ravazzini Laura, 2017/04/01. FORS Working Paper Series, 2017 (1) pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
Sind Workaholics unzufriedener?
Kuhn Ursina, Lalive Rafael, Lipps Oliver, Winkelmann Rainer, 2017/03/23. Die Volkswirtschaft, 4 pp. 43-45.
Malheureux, les bourreaux de travail ?
Kuhn Ursina, Lalive Rafael, Lipps Oliver, Winkelmann Rainer, 2017/03/23. Die Volkswirtschaft, 4 pp. 43-45.
Considering the Various Data Sources, Survey Types and Indicators : To what Extent do Conclusions Regarding the Evolution of Income Inequality in Switzerland Since the Early 1990s Converge ?
Suter Christian, Kuhn Ursina, Gazareth Pascale, Crettaz Eric, Ravazzini Laura, 2017/01/01. dans Franzen Axel, Jann Ben, Joppke Christian, Widmer Eric (eds.) Essays on inequality and integration, Seismo.
The Impact of Female Labour Force Participation on Household Income Inequality in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Ravazzini Laura, 2017/01/01. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie / Swiss Journal of Sociology, 43 (1) pp. 115-135. Peer-reviewed.
The Swiss Household Panel Study : Observing social change since 1999
Tillmann R., Voorpostel M., Kuhn U., Lebert F., Ryser V.-A., Lipps O., Wernli B., Antal E., 2016/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 7 (1) pp. 64-78.
What 's more important for life satisfaction? Market Goods or Social Goods?
Kuhn U., Lalive R., Lipps O., Winkelmann R., 2016. pp. 66-80 dans Bühlmann F., Ehrler F., Farago P., Höpflinger F., Joye D., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C. (eds.) Swiss Social Report 2016 : Wellbeing, Seismo Verlag AG.
Considering the various data sources, survey types and indicators: To what extent do conclusions regarding the evolution of income inequality in Switzerland since the early 1990s converge?
Suter Christian, Kuhn Ursina, Gazareth Pascale, Crettaz Eric, Ravazzini Laura, 2016. pp. 154--183 dans Franzen Axel, Jann Ben, Joppke Christian, Widmer Eric (eds.) Essays on Inequality and Integration, Seismo.
Die Entwicklung der Einkommensungleichheit in der Schweiz
Kuhn U., Suter C., 2015. Social Change in Switzerland 2 p. 14.
L'évolution des inégalités de revenus en Suisse
Kuhn U., Suter C., 2015. Social Change in Switzerland 2 p. 14.
Dynamics of Party Preferences. A study on the volatility and stability of individuals using household panel data from Germany, Great Britain and Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, 2013/02., Université de Zurich, Kriesi Hanspeter (dir.).
The Evolution of Income Inequality in Germany and Switzerland since the Turn of the Millennium
Grabka Markus, Kuhn Ursina, 2012. SOEP paper 464 pp. 1-23.
Entwicklung der Einkommensungleichheit in Deutschland und in der Schweiz seit der Jahrtausendwende
Grabka Markus, Kuhn Ursina, 2012. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 38 (2) pp. 311-334. Peer-reviewed.
Monthly wages in the Swiss Household Panel
Kuhn Ursina, 2010. SHP Working Paper, 10 (2) pp. 1-10.
Swiss Journal of Sociology. Special Issue: Social Science Research with Panel Data in Switzerland.
Lipps O., Tillmann R., Kuhn U., Lillard D., Bergman M. (eds.), 2010., 36, Bergman M..
Imputed rent in the Swiss Household Panel for the Cross National Equivalent File
Kuhn Ursina, 2010. SHP Working Paper, 4_10 pp. 1-10.
Tax simulation in the SHP
Kuhn Ursina, Schmid Flurina, 2009. SHP Working Paper 4_09 pp. 1-14.
Stability and change in party preferences.
Kuhn Ursina, 2009. Swiss Political Science Review, 15 (3) pp. 463-494. Peer-reviewed.
Rapport social 2008 : la Suisse mesurée et comparée
Suter Ch., Perrenoud S., Levy R., Kuhn U., Joye D., Gazareth P., 2009. 336, Seismo.
Attrition analysis of income data
Kuhn Ursina, 2009. SHP Working Paper 2_09 pp. 1-14.
Collection, construction and plausibility checks of income data in the Swiss Household Panel
Kuhn Ursina, 2008. SHP Working Paper 1_08 pp. 1-12.
Kontextdaten Eränzung SHP und SILC durch Kontextvariablen
Kuhn Ursina, Lipps Oliver, Zimmermann Erwin, 2006. SHP Working Paper 1_06.