It's because of the cross-border commuters: opposing the free movement of persons in the Swiss borderlands with the European Union
Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, 2024/08/09. Frontiers in Political Science, 6. Peer-reviewed.
Elezioni federali 2023. Partecipazione e decisione di voto
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Georg Lutz, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
Élections fédérales 2023. Participation et choix électoral
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2023. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke Daniela, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20. 86, Rapport disponible ici:
Il y a également une version en français et en italien.
Targeting Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
Lipps Oliver, Felder Max, Lauener Lukas, Meisser Anna, Pekari Nicolas, Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, 2023/08/21. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
L’évolution des identifications partisanes en Suisse 1971-2019
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed.
La chute de l’identification partisane en Suisse
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Le Temps.
Die Entwicklung der Parteibindungen in der Schweiz 1971-2019
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed.
Direct democracy, border residence and Euroscepticism: evidence from a proposition to terminate the free movement of persons between Switzerland and the European Union
Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. pp. 143-164 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 8, Edward Elgar Publishing.
National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe
Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. New Horizons in European Politics series 244, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Breaking down public opinion on European integration: the role of national borders
Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. pp. 119-142 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea, Biancalana Cecilia, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 7, Edward Elgar Publishing.
What drives elite opinions on European integration? Examining the territorial dimension
Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, 2023/01/13. pp. 96-118 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 6, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cost efficiency of incentives in mature probability-based online panels
Lipps Oliver, Jaquet Julien, Lauener Lukas, Tresch Anke, Pekari Nicolas, 2022/12/12. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
Likeminded? Congruence Between Political Elites and their Voters Regarding Policy Choices in Swiss‐EU Relations
Lauener Lukas, 2022/06. Swiss Political Science Review, 28 (2) pp. 296-318. Peer-reviewed.
Das Covid-Zertifikat: Grund für eine neue politische Spaltung?
Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2022/01/26. DeFacto.
Certificat covid : vers un nouveau clivage politique ?
Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2022/01/26. DeFacto.
Torn Between International Cooperation and National Sovereignty: Voter Attitudes in Trade‐off Situations in Switzerland
Lauener Lukas, Emmenegger Patrick, Häusermann Silja, Walter Stefanie, 2021/10/21. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Measuring party affiliation
Lutz Georg, Lauener Lukas, 2020/12. 17, FORS Guides.
The (mis)use of statistics in referendum votes
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2020/07/07. pp. 55-76 dans Misinformation in Referenda, Routledge.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2019. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, Lutz Georg, Scaperrotta Laura, 2020/07/03. 94.
Why Do Citizens Vote Against Their Basic Political Values?
Lauener Lukas, 2020/06/16. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 10. Februar 2019
Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, 2019/03/28., Bundeskanzlei.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 23. September 2018
Tresch Anke, Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, Scaperrotta Laura, 2018/11/08. 50, Bundeskanzlei.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 4. März 2018
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, Scaperrotta Laura, 2018/04/19. 38, Bundeskanzlei.
Enquête VOTO relative à la votation populaire fédérale du 21 mai 2017
Tresch Anke, Lebert Florence, Scaperrotta Laura, Lauener Lukas, 2017/07/06. 27, Chancellerie fédérale.