The COVID-19 pandemic and wellbeing in Switzerland-worse for young people?
Gondek D., Vandecasteele L., Sánchez-Mira N., Steinmetz S., Mehmeti T., Voorpostel M., 2024/06/06. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 18 (1). Peer-reviewed.
Concentration of Critical Events Over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction Later in Life
Comolli Chiara L., Bolano Danilo, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2024/05. Advances in Life Course Research, 61 (9) p. 100616. Peer-reviewed.
Going beyond the single item: deriving and evaluating a composite subjective wellbeing measure in the Swiss Household Panel
Gondek Dawid, García Garzón Eduardo, Sánchez-Mira Nuria, Vandecasteele Leen, Steinmetz Stephanie, Voorpostel Marieke, 2024/01/06., FORS.
Interdependency of relationships in stepfamilies – Variation across children’s residence arrangements,
Arat Ece, Voorpostel Marieke, Bernardi Laura, 2023/06/27. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40 (11) pp. 3656-3678. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Changing Modes on Item Nonresponse in Panel Surveys
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2023/06/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 39 (2) pp. 139-149.
A dynamic perspective on the evolution of perceived stress levels in Switzerland: drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Refle Jan-Erik, Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/04/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14 (2) pp. 240-274. Peer-reviewed.
Combining data collection modes in longitudinal studies.
Roberts Caroline, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/01/12. dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life. Dynamics of Stressors, Resources, and Reserves, Palgrave.
The Swiss neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position: update and re-validation
Panczak Radoslaw, Berlin Claudia, Voorpostel Marieke, Zwahlen Marcel, Egger Matthias, 2023/01/12. Swiss Medical Weekly, 153 (1) p. 40028. Peer-reviewed.
Concentration of Critical Events Over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction Later in Life
Comolli Chiara L., Bolano Danilo, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023., LIVES.
The gendered consequences of the COVID‐19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children
Steinmetz Stephanie, Vandecasteele Leen, Lebert Florence, Voorpostel Marieke, Lipps Oliver, 2022/11. Gender, Work & Organization, 29 (6) pp. 2034-2051. Peer-reviewed.
Trajectoires famille-travail et bien-être subjectif des femmes et hommes en Suisse
Comolli Chiara L., Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2022/05/01. Social Change in Switzerland.
Der Einfluss von Familien- und Berufsverläufen auf das Wohlbefinden von Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz
Comolli Chiara L., Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2022/05/01. Social Change in Switzerland.
The Swiss Household Panel (SHP)
Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Klaas Hannah, Kuhn Ursina, Lebert Florence, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2021/11/03. Journal of Economics and Statistics.
The effect of unemployment on couples separating in Germany and the UK
Di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/10/02. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84 (1) pp. 310-329. Peer-reviewed.
Do web and telephone produce the same number of changes and events in a panel survey?
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/10/01. methods, data, analyses , 16 (1) pp. 33-50. Peer-reviewed.
L’évolution du stress en Suisse – la première vague de la pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées / Die Entwicklung von Stress in der Schweiz – die erste Welle der Pandemie verschafft gestressten Menschen eine Pause
Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Refle Jan-Erik, Voorpostel Marieke, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Dasoki Nora, Tillmann Robin, 2021/07/05. Social change in Switzerland, 26.
Joint Family and Work Trajectories and Multidimensional Wellbeing.
Comolli C.L., Bernardi L., Voorpostel M., 2021/07. European journal of population = Revue europeenne de demographie, 37 (3) pp. 643-696. Peer-reviewed.
Joint family and work trajectories and multidimensional wellbeing
Comolli Chiara, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/04/14. European Journal of Population, 37 (3) pp. 643-696. Peer-reviewed.
Integrating online data collection in a household panel study: effects on second-wave participation
Voorpostel Marieke, Roberts Caroline, Ghoorbin Margarita, 2021. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field.
Mixing modes in household panel surveys: Recent developments and new findings.
Voorpostel Marieke, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, 2021. dans Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, Wiley.
Introducing web in a refreshment sample of the Swiss Household Panel: Main findings from a pilot study
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Tillmann Robin, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Lebert Florence, Klaas Hannah S., Dasoki Nora, 2020/12/01., FORS.
Who is most affected by the Corona crisis? An analysis of changes in stress and well-being in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah S., Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Refle Jan-Erik, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Tillmann Robin et al., 2020/11/21. European Societies pp. 1-15.
First results of the Swiss Household Panel – Covid-19 Study
Refle Jan-Erik, Voorpostel Marieke, Lebert Florence, Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah Sophie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Dasoki Nora, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Antal Erika, Tillmann Robin, 2020/11/13. (1) 51 report, FORS.
(When) Do Critical Life Events Push People to the Populist Radical Right? Support for the Swiss People's Party Following Relationship Dissolution, Unemployment or a Health Crisis
Voorpostel Marieke, Kuhn Ursina, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2020/11/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46 (3) pp. 515-533.
The effect of unemployment on couples separating. Panel evidence for Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/08/27. DIAL Working Papers 14 pp. 1-41.
Can Interviewer Evaluations Predict Short-Term and Long-Term Participation in Telephone Panels?
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/03/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 36 (1) pp. 117-136. Peer-reviewed.
A research note on the potential impact of panel attrition on the relationship between variables
Voorpostel Marieke, Rothenbühler Martina, Roberts Caroline, Vandenplas Caroline, 2018/12/01. FORS Working Paper Series 2018-1.
The link between separation and political party preference: selectivity or causal influence?
Voorpostel Marieke, Coffe Hilde, Kuhn Ursina, 2018/11/19. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties pp. 1-22. Peer-reviewed.
Social Dynamics in Swiss Society. Empirical Studies Based on the Swiss Household Panel
Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Farago Peter, 2018., Springer International Publishing.
Exploring the cohabitation gap in relationship dissolution and health and wellbeing: A longitudinal analysis of transitions from cohabitation and marriage in Switzerland and Australia
Hewitt Belinda, Voorpostel Marieke, Turrell Gavin, 2018. pp. 31-46 dans Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, Farago Peter (eds.) Social dynamics in Swiss society: Empirical studies based on the Swiss Household Panel, Springer.
Fictive kin and families of choice in the European context
Voorpostel Marieke, 2018. Family Focus FF75 pp. F1-F3.
The Swiss Household Panel Study : Observing social change since 1999
Tillmann R., Voorpostel M., Kuhn U., Lebert F., Ryser V.-A., Lipps O., Wernli B., Antal E., 2016/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 7 (1) pp. 64-78.
Self-reported health among lone mothers in Switzerland : Do employment and education matter?
Struffolino E., Bernardi L., Voorpostel M., 2016. Population-E, 71 (2) pp. 187-214. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel : are vulnerable groups more affected than others ?
Rothenbühler M., Voorpostel M., 2016. pp. 221-242 dans Oris M., Roberts C., Joye D., Ernst-Staehli M. (eds.) Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course chap. 10, Springer.
Turnover as a Strategy to Escape Job Insecurity : the Role of Family Determinants in Dual-Earner Couples
Lebert Florence, Voorpostel Marieke, 2016. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 37 (3) pp. 407-421. Peer-reviewed.
Parenthood and Well-Being : the Moderating Role of Leisure and Paid Work
Roeters A., Mandemakers J.J., Voorpostel M., 2016. European Journal of Population, 32 (3) pp. 381-401. Peer-reviewed.
Families and aging : toward an interdisciplinary family-level approach
Blieszner R., Voorpostel M., 2016. pp. 327-348 dans Bengtson V., Settersten R. (eds.) Handbook of theories of aging, Springer.
The effect of parental separation on young adults' political and civic participation
Voorpostel M, Coffé H., 2015. Social Indicators Research, 124 (1) pp. 295-316. Peer-reviewed.
Disagreements among cohabiting and married couples in 22 European countries
Van der Lippe T., Voorpostel M., Hewitt B., 2014. Demographic Research, 31 pp. 247-274. Peer-reviewed.
Leisure time with a partner
Voorpostel M., 2014. pp. 3530-3530 dans Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-being Research, Michalos, A.C..
Just like family: Fictive kin relationships in the Netherlands
Voorpostel M., 2013. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 68 (5) pp. 816-824. Peer-reviewed.
Persistent Social Inequalities
Tillmann R., Voorpostel M. (eds.), 2012/07. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 38, Seismo.
For better or worse: Associations between the experience of negative life events and positive and negative sibling relationship characteristics
Voorpostel M., van der Lippe T., Flap H., 2012/05. International Sociology, 27 (3) pp. 329-346. Peer-reviewed.
Transitions in partnership and parental status, gender, and political and civic participation
Voorpostel M., Coffé H., 2012/02. European Sociological Review, 28 (1) pp. 28-42. Peer-reviewed.
Sociaal kapitaal in partner relaties: Sociale en politieke participatie
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., 2012. pp. 295-307 dans Volker B. (eds.) Over gaten, bruggen en witte paters - Sociaal kapitaal in sociologisch onderzoek, Rozenberg Publishers.
The importance of discretionary and fictive kin relationships for older adults
Voorpostel M., 2012. pp. 243-259 dans Blieszner R., Bedford V.H. (eds.) Handbook of Families and Aging, Praeger.
A Swiss neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position: Development and Association with Mortality
Panczak R., Galobardes B., Voorpostel M., Spoerri A., Zwahlen M., Egger M., 2012. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 66 (12) pp. 1129-1136. Peer-reviewed.
Sibling relationships in Dutch and immigrant families
Voorpostel M., Schans D., 2011/12. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 34 (12) pp. 2027-2047. Peer-reviewed.
Not accepted by the family: "Being difficult" or "being different"?
Komter A., Voorpostel M., Pels T., 2011/02. Journal of Family Issues, 32 (2) pp. 237-263. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel: Is change associated with drop-out?
Voorpostel M., Lipps O., 2011. Journal of Official Statistics, 27 (2) pp. 301-318. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel: Is change associated with later drop-out?
Voorpostel M., Lipps O., 2011. Journal of Official Statistics, 27 (2) pp. 301-318. Peer-reviewed.
De relatie tussen volwassen broers en zussen in autochtone en allochtone families
Voorpostel M., Schans D., 2010/10. Migrantenstudies, 26 (3) pp. 241-261. Peer-reviewed.
Young people, parents and radical right voting: The case of the Swiss People's Party
Coffé H., Voorpostel M., 2010. Electoral Studies, 29 (3) pp. 435-443. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition patterns in the Swiss Household Panel by demographic characteristics and social involvement
Voorpostel M., 2010. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 36 (2) pp. 359-377. Peer-reviewed.
Spending time together : Changes over four decades in leisure time spent with a spouse
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., Gershuny J., 2010. Journal of Leisure Research, 42 (2) pp. 243-365. Peer-reviewed.
Niet geaccepteerd door de familie : Een kwestie van 'moeilijk zijn' of 'anders zijn'? = Not accepted by the family : A matter of 'being difficult' or 'being different'?
Komter A., Voorpostel M., 2009. Mens & Maatschappij, 84 pp. 46-71. Peer-reviewed.
Parental divorce and sibling relationships : A research note
Poortman A.R., Voorpostel M., 2009. Journal of Family Issues, 30 (1) pp. 74-91. Peer-reviewed.
Changes in leisure time with a partner : A transformation of intimacy ?
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., Gershuny J., 2009. Social Indicators Research, 93 (1) pp. 165-169. Peer-reviewed.
Intergenerational solidarity and support between adult siblings
Voorpostel M., Blieszner R., 2008. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70 pp. 157-167. Peer-reviewed.
Sibling support: The exchange of help among brothers and sisters in the Netherlands
Voorpostel M., 2007/03. 165, Utrecht University, Tanja van der Lippe (dir.).
Similar or different ? The importance of similarities and differences for support between siblings
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., Dykstra P.A., Flap H., 2007. Journal of Family Issues, 28 (8) pp. 1026-1053. Peer-reviewed.
Siblings and friends : Two worlds apart ?
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., 2007. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69 pp. 1271-1282. Peer-reviewed.
Jongeren en cultuur : Een verklaring voor verschillen in deelname aan elitaire en populaire cultuur = Youth and culture : An explanation of differences in highbrow and popular cultural participation
Voorpostel M., Van der Lippe T., 2001. Mens & Maatschappij, 76 pp. 202-220.