The Mis‐conceptualisation of Societal Impact: Why the Swiss Approach to Societal Impact is Productive and not Inexistent
Ochsner Michael, 2024/09. Swiss Political Science Review, 30 (3) pp. 223-243. Peer-reviewed.
Assessing and Enabling Open Research Data Practices in Swiss Higher Education Institutions: A Comprehensive Landscape Analysis
Araujo Pedro, Bornatici Christina, Ochsner Michael, Heers Marieke, 2024/08/08., recORD project funded by swissuniversities.
Reforming Assessment of Applied/Practice-Based Research
Brunotte Thomas, Jaekel Martin, Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael, 2024/08/01. Die Neue Hochschule, 2024 (4) pp. 16-19.
Re-use of research data in the social sciences. Use and users of digital data archive
Late Elina, Ochsner Michael, 2024/05/10. PLOS ONE, 19 (5) pp. e0303190. Peer-reviewed.
Beyond borders: Examining the role of national learned societies in the social sciences and humanities
Late Elina, Guns Raf, Pölönen Janne, Stojanovski Jadranka, Urbanc Mimi, Ochsner Michael, 2024/05/09. Learned Publishing. Peer-reviewed.
Soziale Verantwortung in der Politik – globale Kompetenz des Staates?
Ochsner Michael, 2024. pp. 893-914 dans Handbuch Globale Kompetenz, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Research quality criteria in the Creative Arts
Lewandowska Kamila, Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel, 2024. Studies in Higher Education, 49 (4) pp. 639-653. Peer-reviewed.
Accountability in Academic Life : European Perspectives on Societal Impact Evaluation
Ochsner Michael, Bulaitis Zoe H. (eds.), 2023/11/10., Edward Elgar Publishing.
The need for historical inquiry into societal impact evaluation: towards a genealogy of the notion of useful research
Gedutis Aldis, Bulaitis Zoe Hope, Ochsner Michael, 2023/11/10. pp. 30-50 dans Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Manifesto for a better societal impact evaluation
Ochsner Michael, Bulaitis Zoe Hope, Balaban Corina, Castro-Martínez Elena, Daniel Ondřej, Gedutis Aldis, Giménez-Toledo Elea, Iseli Marlène, de Jong Stefan, Ma Lai et al., 2023/11/10. pp. 10-29 dans Accountability in Academic Life, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Societal impact, innovation, or public value? Switzerlands approach to research impact evaluation and the SSH
Ochsner Michael, Balaban Corina, Iseli Marlène, 2023/11/10. pp. 203-222 dans Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Accountability in academic life: introduction to European perspectives on societal impact evaluation
Ochsner Michael, Bulaitis Zoe Hope, 2023/11/10. pp. 1-8 dans Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Implementationsforschung, Reallabore und Forschungsevaluation: Was die Wissenschaftspolitik berücksichtigen sollte
Ochsner Michael, 2023/05/09. Bulletin der Schweizerischen Akademie der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, 29 (1) pp. 20-23.
Better Societal Impact Evaluation of Research. ENRESSH Brief: Societal Impact
Ochsner Michael, Bulaitis Zoe Hope, Balaban Corine, Castro-Martínez Elena, Daniel Ondřej, Gedutis Aldis, Giménez-Toledo Elena, Iseli Marlène, de Jong Stefan, Ma Lai et al., 2023., ENRESSH.
Evaluation of the arts in performance-based research funding systems: An international perspective
Lewandowska Kamila, Kulczycki Emanuel, Ochsner Michael, 2023. Research Evaluation, 32 (1) pp. 19-31. Peer-reviewed.
Reflections on guest editing a Frontiers journal
Horbach Serge P. J. M., Ochsner Michael, Kaltenbrunner Wolfgang, 2022/10/31. Leiden Madtrics Blog.
Identifying Research Quality in the Social Sciences
Ochsner Michael, 2022/04/12. pp. 48-66 dans Engels Tim C. E., Kulczycki Emanuel (eds.) Handbook on Research Assessment in the Social Sciences chap. 4, Edward Elgar.
National Research Evaluation Systems and the Social Sciences
Ochsner Michael, Peruginelli Ginevra, 2022/04/12. pp. 416-433 dans Engels Tim C. E., Kulczycki Emanuel (eds.) Handbook on Research Assessment in the Social Sciences chap. 26, Edward Elgar.
Do peers share the same criteria for assessing grant applications?
Hug Sven E, Ochsner Michael, 2022/01/03. Research Evaluation, 31 (1) pp. 104-117. Peer-reviewed.
Representativeness of surveys and its analysis
Ochsner Michael, 2021/12/14. FORS Guides 15. Peer-reviewed.
Welfare solidarities in the age of mass migration: evidence from European Social Survey 2016
Gugushvili Dimitri, Ravazzini Laura, Ochsner Michael, Lukac Martin, Lelkes Orsolya, Fink Marcel, Grand Peter, van Oorschot Wim, 2021/04. Acta Politica, 56 (2) pp. 351-375. Peer-reviewed.
Bibliometrics in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
Ochsner Michael, 2021/01/18. pp. 117-124 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.5, De Gruyter Saur.
Relationship between Peer Review and Bibliometrics
Ochsner Michael, 2021/01/18. pp. 125-132 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.6, De Gruyter Saur.
National Research Evaluation Systems
Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel, Gedutis Aldis, Peruginelli Ginevra, 2021/01/18. pp. 99-106 dans Ball Rafael (eds.) Handbook Bibliometrics chap. 2.3, De Gruyter Saur.
The European Values Study 2017: On the Way to the Future Using Mixed-Modes
Luijkx Ruud, Jónsdóttir Guðbjörg Andrea, Gummer Tobias, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Frederiksen Morten, Ketola Kimmo, Reeskens Tim, Brislinger Evelyn, Christmann Pablo, Gunnarsson Stefán Þór et al., 2021. European Sociological Review, 37 (2) pp. 330–346. Peer-reviewed.
Linking Labour Division within Families, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy
Szalma Ivett, Ochsner Michael, Takács Judit, 2020/10/09. Social Inclusion, 8 (4) pp. 1-7. Peer-reviewed.
Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections
Ochsner Michael, Szalma Ivett, Takács Judit, 2020/10/09. Social Inclusion, 8 (4) pp. 103-109. Peer-reviewed.
Messung von Forschungsleistungen? Was gemessen wird und was gemessen werden will
Ochsner Michael, 2020/09/07. pp. 350-378 dans Leistungsbewertung in wissenschaftlichen Institutionen und Universitäten chap. 16, De Gruyter Oldenbourg.
A gender and geopolitical perspective on peer review
Landák-Kabók Karolina, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 78-86 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report, European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Place, role, form and significance of peer review in National Research Evaluation Systems
Ochsner Michael, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 55-60 dans Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report , European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Challenging evaluation in SSH: round table discussion
Benneworth Paul, Engels Tim C. E., Galleron Ioana, Kulczycki Emanuel, Ochsner Michael, Sivertsen Gunnar, Šinkūnienė Jolanta, Williams Geoffrey, 2020. Deeds and Days (DD), 73 pp. 107-126.
ENRESSH: a mission to D-land
Gedutis Aldis, Ochsner Michael, 2020. Deeds and Days, 73 pp. 93-104. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluation criteria and methodology
Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 15-22 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report, European Network of Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Better adapted procedures for research evaluation in the SSH. ENRESSH Brief: Research Evaluation
Ochsner Michael, Ma Lai, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Holm Jon, Gedutis Aldis, Sima Karel, Hug Sven e., Dewaele Alexis, de Jong Stefan, 2020., European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Overview of Peer Review Practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report.
Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.), 2020., European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Practices of peer review in the SSH I: a systematic review of peer review criteria
Hug Sven E., Hołowiecki Marek, Ma Lai, Aeschbach Mirjam, Ochsner Michael, 2020. pp. 61-66 dans Ochsner Michael, Kancewicz-Hoffman Nina, Hołowiecki Marek, Holm Jon (eds.) Overview of peer review practices in the SSH. ENRESSH Report , European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and Humanities (ENRESSH).
Taking scholarly books into account, part II: a comparison of 19 European countries in evaluation and funding
Giménez-Toledo Elea, Mañana-Rodríguez Jorge, Engels Tim C. E., Guns Raf, Kulczycki Emanuel, Ochsner Michael, Pölönen Janne, Sivertsen Gunnar, Zuccala Alesia A., 2019/01. Scientometrics, 118 (1) pp. 233-251. Peer-reviewed.
Additional Languages and Representativeness
Lipps Oliver, Ochsner Michael, 2018/09/28. pp. 859-877 dans Johnson Timothy , Pennell Beth-Ellen , Stoop Ineke , Dorer Brita (eds.) Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) chap. 39, Wiley.
The Diversity of European Research Evaluation Systems
Ochsner Michael, Kulczycki Emanuel, Gedutis Aldis, 2018/09/11. pp. 1235-1241 dans Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators. Peer-reviewed, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS).
Russian versus European welfare attitudes: Evidence from Round 8 of the European Social Survey
Ochsner Michael, Ravazzini Laura, Gugushvili Dimitri, Fink Marcel, Grand Peter, Lelkes Orsolya, van Oorschot Wim, 2018/09/01., European Social Survey.
How to run long web surveys: a real-life experiment with the European Values Study
Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, Ochsner Michael, Milbert Patricia, Joye Dominique, 2018/03/01., GOR/DGOF dans General Online Research 2018.
Citation analysis with microsoft academic
Hug Sven E., Ochsner Michael, Brändle Martin P., 2017/04. Scientometrics, 111 (1) pp. 371-378. Peer-reviewed.
The future of research assessment in the humanities: bottom-up assessment procedures
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven, Galleron Ioana, 2017/03/21. Palgrave Communications, 3 p. 17020. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating to Valorise: The Societal Value of SSH Research and the ENRESSH COST Action
Galleron Ioana, Ochsner Michael, Spaapen Jack, Williams Geoffrey, 2017. fteval: Journal of Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 43 pp. 175-177.
Valorizing SSH research: towards a new approach to evaluate SSH research’ value for society
Galleron Ioana, Ochsner Michael, Spaapen Jack, Williams Geoffrey, 2017. fteval: Journal of Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, 44 pp. 35-41.
Assessment criteria for early career researcher’s proposals in the humanities
Ochsner M., Hug S.E., Daniel H.-D., 2017. pp. 105-111 dans ISSI 2017 - 16th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics, Conference Proceedings.
Work-Life Conflict of Working Couples Before and During the Crisis in 18 European Countries
Ochsner Michael, Szalma Ivett, 2017. pp. 77-99 dans Breen Michael J. (eds.) Values and Identities in Europe. Evidence from the European Social Survey, Routledge.
Indicators for research performance in the humanities? The scholars' view on research quality and indicators
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., 2016/09/14. pp. 873–880 dans Rafols I., Mollas-Gallart Jordi, Catro-Martinez E., Woolley R. (eds.) STI2016 - Proceedings of the 21ST international conference on science and technology indicators. Peer-reviewed, Universitat Politècnica València.
Die soziale Verantwortung des Staates
Michael Ochsner, 2016., Springer Nature.
Research Assessment in the Humanities
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Daniel Hans-Dieter (eds.)Ochsner Michael, 2016., Springer Science $\mathplus$ Business Media.
Research Assessment in the Humanities: Introduction
Michael Ochsner, Hug Sven E., Hans-Dieter Daniel, 2016. pp. 1-10 dans Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Daniel Hans-Dieter (eds.) Research Assessment in the Humanities. Towards Criteria and Procedures, Springer Open.
Humanities Scholars’ Conceptions of Research Quality
Michael Ochsner, Hug Sven E., Hans-Dieter Daniel, 2016. pp. 43-69 dans Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Daniel Hans-Dieter (eds.) Research Assessment in the Humanities. Towards Criteria and Procedures, Springer Open.
Systematische Methodenenvaluation im Rahmen der Bevölkerungsbefragung der Stadt Zürich. Analyse und Empfehlungen
Ochsner Michael, 2015/11/15., FORS.
Quality criteria for sociology? What sociologists can learn from the project developing and testing research quality criteria in the humanities
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Tobias Wolbring, 2015/09. SOCIOLOGIA E POLITICHE SOCIALI 2 pp. 90-110.
Research assessment and bibliometrics: Bringing quality back in
Ochsner M., Hug S.E., 2015. pp. 596-597 dans Proceedings of ISSI 2015 Istanbul: 15th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference.
Setting the stage for the assessment of research quality in the humanities. Consolidating the results of four empirical studies | Voraussetzungen für die Beurteilung der Qualität geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung: Zusammenführung der Befunde aus vier empirischen Studien
Ochsner M., Hug S.E., Daniel H.-D., 2014. Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft, 17 (6) pp. 111-132.
Four types of research in the humanities: Setting the stage for research quality criteria in the humanities
Ochsner M., Hug S.E., Daniel H.-D., 2013. Research Evaluation, 22 (2) pp. 79-92.
Criteria for assessing research quality in the humanities: A delphi study among scholars of english literature, german literature and art history
Hug S.E., Ochsner M., Daniel H.-D., 2013. Research Evaluation, 22 (5) pp. 369-383.
Indicators for Research Quality in the Humanities: Opportunities and Limitations
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Daniel Hans-Dieter, 2012/06. Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung, 1 (4). Peer-reviewed.
Wie wollen und sollen die Geistes- wissenschaften Qualität und Leistung messen und steuern?
Ochsner Michael, Hug Sven E., Daniel Hans-Dieter, 2012. pp. 157-171 dans SAGW Switzerland (eds.) Für eine neue Kultur der Geisteswissenschaften?, SAGW.
Qualitätskriterien für die Forschung in den Geisteswissenschaften - Eine Explorationsstudie
Hug Sven E., Ochsner Michael, 2011/04. Bulletin SAGW, 2 (2011) pp. 42-44.
Entwicklung von Qualitätskriterien für die Forschung in den Geisteswissenschaften - Eine Explorationsstudie in den Literaturwissenschaften und der Kunstgeschichte
Hug Sven E., Ochsner Michael, Daniel Hans-Dieter, 2010. Qualität in der Wissenschaft, 4 (4) pp. 91-105. Peer-reviewed.