Environmental Attitudes, Concerns, and Behaviors Across Survey Modes. Assessing Selection and Measurement Biases in ISSP 2020 ‘Push-to-Web’ Surveys.
Lindholm Annika, Steinmetz Stephanie, Sapin Marlène, 2024/10/28. International Journal of Sociology, 54 (5-6) pp. 334–354. Peer-reviewed.
Approaches to the measurement of individual social capital in general social surveys.
Wolf Christof, Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, 2024/10/28. pp. 51-67 dans Handbook on inequality and social capital chap. 5, Steve McDonald, Rochelle Côté, & Jing Shen.
Suicide awareness homophily in adolescent peer support networks: A Swiss cross-sectional social network analysis
Baggio Stéphanie, Sapin Marlène, Nsingi Neslie, Kanani Abbas, Thelin Raphaël, 2024/06. Preventive Medicine Reports, 42 p. 102747. Peer-reviewed.
Validation of a 9-item Perceived Suicide Awareness Scale (PSAS-9) for adolescents
Baggio Stéphanie, Nsingi Neslie, Iglesias Katia, Sapin Marlène, 2024/05. Journal of Affective Disorders, 352 pp. 306-311. Peer-reviewed.
On the Creation, Documentation, and Sensible Use of Weights in the Context of Comparative Surveys
Joye Dominique, Sapin Marlène, Wolf Christof, 2024/01/24. 15.
How Family and Other Close Ties Shape Vulnerability Processes
Rossier Clémentine, Bernardi Laura, Baersywil Marie, Oris Michel, Sapin Marlène, Widmer Eric, 2023. pp. 153-167 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.
International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2019 – Social Inequality V. Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Nisple Karin, Reveilhac Maud, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2022., Lausanne. Available at: https://www.gesis.org/en/issp/modules/issp-modules-by-topic/social-inequality/2019.
Ressources sociales et bien-être : Soutien social et accès à des ressources stratégiques dans 30 pays
Brulé Gaël, Sapin Marlène, Rossier Clémentine, 2021. Sciences et Bonheur, 5 pp. 117-133. Peer-reviewed.
The European Values Study 2017: On the Way to the Future Using Mixed-Modes
Luijkx Ruud, Jónsdóttir Guðbjörg Andrea, Gummer Tobias, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Frederiksen Morten, Ketola Kimmo, Reeskens Tim, Brislinger Evelyn, Christmann Pablo, Gunnarsson Stefán Þór et al., 2021. European Sociological Review, 37 (2) pp. 330–346. Peer-reviewed.
International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2018 – Religion IV: Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Nisple Karin, Reveilhac Maud, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2020/11/10., Lausanne..
The ISSP 2017 Social Networks and Social Resources Module
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Wolf Christof, 2020/01/31. International Journal of Sociology, 50 (1) pp. 1-25.
International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2017 – Social Networks and Social Resources: Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, Steinmetz Stephanie, 2019/08/20., Lausanne.
Measuring social networks and social resources: An exploratory study around the world.
Joye D., Sapin M., Wolf C., 2019., GESIS.
Measuring Social Networks and Social Resources: An Exploratory ISSP Survey around the World
Joye Dominique, Sapin Marlène, Wolf Christof, 2019. GESIS-Schriftenreihe, 22, 22 204, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
Evaluation of A Suicide Prevention Program in Switzerland: Protocol of A Cluster Non-Randomized Controlled Trial
Baggio Stéphanie, Kanani Abbas, Nsingi Neslie, Sapin Marlène, Thélin Raphaël, 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (11) pp. 1-6. Peer-reviewed.
Comorbidity of Symptoms of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Disorders among a Population-Based Sample of Simultaneous Users. Insight from a Network Perspective.
Baggio S., Sapin M., Khazaal Y., Studer J., Wolff H., Gmel G., 2018/12/17. International journal of environmental research and public health, 15 (12). Peer-reviewed.
International Social Survey Programme : ISSP 2016 – Role of Government V : Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, 2018., FORS.
International Social Survey PRogramme : ISSP 2015 - Work Orientation : Study Monitoring Report
Sapin Marlène, Joye Dominique, 2017. rapport, FORS.
ISSP 2017 module on social network and social ressources : Reasoning report for the draft source questionnaire
Joye D., Sapin M., Wolf C., Bian Y., Andersen J., Carkoglu A., Kalaycioglu E., Smith T., Fu Y.-C., 2016/03., International Social Survey Programme (ISSP).
La transformation des réseaux personnels des femmes et des hommes durant la transition à la parentalité : Contraction des liens et gestation d'inégalités
Sapin Marlène, Widmer Eric D., 2016. dans Le Goff Jean-Marie, Levy René (eds.) Devenir parents: devenir inégaux. Transition à la parentalité et inégalité de genre, Seismo.
From support to overload : Patterns of positive and negative family relationships of adults with mental illness over time
Sapin M., Widmer E., Iglesias K., 2016. Social Networks, 47 pp. 59-72. Peer-reviewed.
Les parcours de vie. De l'adolescence au grand âge
Sapin M., Spini D., Widmer E. D., 2014., 2e édition Le Savoir suisse, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Collecting data on family configuration
Widmer Eric D., Aeby Gaëlle, Sapin Marlène, 2013. International Review of Sociology: Revue Internationale de Sociologie, 23 (1) pp. 27-46. Peer-reviewed.
Psychiatric troubles - life course disorders? Exploring the life trajectories of individuals under psychotherapy
Müller N. S., Sapin M., Gauthier J.-A., Orita A., Widmer E. D., 2013. pp. 209-224 dans Levy R., Widmer E. D. (eds.) Gendered life courses between individualization and standardization. A European approach applied to Switzerland, Münster : LIT Verlag.
Configurations de proches et adaptation dans le parcours de vie d'individus en situation de vulnérabilité
Sapin M., 2013. 316, Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Widmer E. D., Joye D. (dir.).
Family beyond parents? An exploration of family configurations and psychological adjustment of young adults with intellectual disabilities
Widmer E. D., Kempf N., Sapin M., Galli Carminati G., 2013. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34 (1) pp. 207-217. Peer-reviewed.
Is There a Magic Formula? Mate Selection and the Optimization of the Marriage Market
Gauthier J.-A., Cao N. V., Sapin M., Fragniere E., Widmer E. D., 2012. pp. 147-174 dans Esposito P. R., Lombardi C. I. (eds.) Marriage: Psychological implications, social expectations, and role of sexuality, Nova Science Publishers Inc.
Pluralized life courses? An exploration of the life trajectories of individuals with psychiatric disorders.
Müller N.S., Sapin M., Gauthier J.-A., Orita A., Widmer E.D., 2012. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 58 (3) pp. 266-277.
Who can be contacted by phone? Lessons from Switzerland
Joye D., Pollien A., Sapin M., Ernst Stähli M., 2012. pp. 85-102 dans Häder M., Häder S., Kühne M. (eds.) Telephone Surveys in Europe: Research and Practice, Springer.
Intentions professionnelles des couples de Suisse romande après la naissance de leur premier enfant. Une première exploration de l'enquête "Devenir parent".
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Sapin Marlène, Camenisch Martin, 2011/09. pp. 105-125 dans Joye Dominique, Pirinoli Christine, Spini Dario, Widmer Eric (eds.) Parcours de vie et insertions sociales, Seismo.
Modelling Human factor of marriage market dynamics through operations management techniques: A case study involving sociological and psychological attributes
Gauthier J.-A., Cao N. V., Sapin M., Fragnière E., Widmer E. D., 2011. Journal of Marketing and Operations Management Research, 1 (1) pp. 81-102.
Is There a Magic Formula ? Mate Selection and the Optimization of the Marriage Market
Gauthier J.-A., Sapin M., Widmer E. D., Cao N. V., Fragnière E., 2011. Advances in Sociology Research, 10 pp. 79-100.
I percorsi di vita : dall'adolescenza alla vecchiaia
Sapin M., Spini D., Widmer E., 2010. Collana Itinerari 128, Il Mulino.
Optimizing the marriage market: An application of the linear assignment model
Nguyen V.C., Fragnière E., Gauthier J.-A., Sapin M., Widmer E.D., 2010. European Journal of Operational Research, 202 (2) pp. 547-553. Peer-reviewed.
Social Network Effects on Intentions of Work Participation by Swiss Men and Women in the Transition to Parenthood
Giudici Francesco, Pierrard Antoine, Sapin Marlène, Widmer Eric, 2009/02. dans International Network for Social Network Analysis, San Diego (US).
Devenir parent : changer de vie
Le Goff Jean-Marie, Levy René, Sapin Marlène, Camenisch Martin, 2009. pp. 233-252 dans Oris Michel & al (eds.) Transitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités chap. 12, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes.
Ressources humaines
Widmer E. D., Sapin M., 2009. pp. 127-180 dans Fundatia Children Action Romania (eds.) Manuel de formation destiné aux professionnels travaillant avec les parents et les bébés de milieux défavorisés et à risque d'abandon en Roumanie, Editura Digital Daja Cluj.
Resurse umane
Widmer E. D., Sapin M., 2009. pp. 124-177 dans Kolly S., Radulescu C., Anghel M. (eds.) Manual de formare a specialistului in copilaria timpurie. Prevenirea abandonului, dezvoltarea copilui, relatiile sale interpersonale si adoptia, Humanitas.
Social isolation or relational instability? Family configurations of women at risk of child abandonment
Sapin M., Widmer E. D., Radulescu C., 2008. pp. 303-328 dans Widmer E.D., Jallinoja R. (eds.) Beyond the Nuclear Family : families in a configurational perspective, Peter Lang.
Families on the move : insights on family configurations of individuals undergoing psychotherapy
Widmer E.D., Sapin M., 2008. pp. 279-302 dans Widmer E.D., Jallinoja R. (eds.) Beyond the nuclear family : families in a configurational perspective, Peter Lang.
Analyse d'une transition du parcours de vie. L'exemple de l'enquête « devenir parent » en Suisse romande. A paraître dans
Le Goff Jean-Marie. , Sapin Marlène., Levy René., Amstalden Martine., Camenisch Martin (à paraître)., 2008. dans Association des sociologues de langue française. (eds.) Actes du colloque « Parcours de vie et Etat social ». Liège..
Intimités conjugales et configurations familiales. Une application du « Family network method » aux populations cliniques
Widmer E. D., Robert-Tissot C., Sapin M., 2007. pp. 381-398 dans Burton-Jeangros C., Widmer E. D., Lalive d'Epinay C. (eds.) Interactions familiales et constructions de l'intimité, L'Harmattan, (coll. Questions sociologiques).
Les parcours de vie: de l'adolescence au grand âge
Sapin M., Spini D., Widmer E., 2007. Le Savoir Suisse, Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et universitaires romandes.