Eidgenössische Wahlen 2023. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke Daniela, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20. 86, Rapport disponible ici: https://forscenter.ch/selects_reports/slc-2024-00001/
Il y a également une version en français et en italien.
Elezioni federali 2023. Partecipazione e decisione di voto
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Georg Lutz, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
Élections fédérales 2023. Participation et choix électoral
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
The existing electoral support for social democratic parties
Rennwald Line, 2023/12/08. Renewal, 31 (4) pp. 18-21.
Frau Rennwald, ist die SVP die Partei der Arbeiterschaft?
Rennwald Line, 2023/09/05. DeFacto.
Madame Rennwald, l’UDC est-elle le parti des travailleurs ?
Rennwald Line, 2023/09/05. DeFacto.
Targeting Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
Lipps Oliver, Felder Max, Lauener Lukas, Meisser Anna, Pekari Nicolas, Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, 2023/08/21. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
La chute de l’identification partisane en Suisse
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Le Temps.
L’évolution des identifications partisanes en Suisse 1971-2019
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed.
Die Entwicklung der Parteibindungen in der Schweiz 1971-2019
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed.
Union Membership and Electoral Demand for Redistribution among Left-authoritarians
Rennwald Line, Mosimann Nadja, 2023/02/27. Unequal Democracies Working Paper 37.
Waar zijn de sociaaldemocratische kiezers gebleven?
Bremer Björn, Rennwald Line, 2023/02/13. Samenleving & Politiek [Society & Politics], 30 (2).
Who still likes social democracy? The support base of social democratic parties reconsidered
Bremer Björn, Rennwald Line, 2023. Party Politics, 29 (4) pp. 741-754. Peer-reviewed.
Special issue "Working-Class Politics"
Mosimann Nadja, Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2022/06/04. West European Politics, 45 (6). Peer-reviewed.
Mosimann Nadja, Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2022/04/06. West European Politics, 45 (6) pp. 1175-1177.
Class gaps in perceptions of political voice: liberal democracies 1974–2016
Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2022/03/29. West European Politics, 45 (6) pp. 1334-1360. Peer-reviewed.
Das Covid-Zertifikat: Grund für eine neue politische Spaltung?
Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2022/01/26. DeFacto.
Certificat covid : vers un nouveau clivage politique ?
Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, 2022/01/26. DeFacto.
La disyuntiva socialdemócrata: recuperar a los trabajadores o ganar las clases medias
Rennwald Line, 2021/09/13. Agenda Pública.
Social Class, Union Power and Perceptions of Political Voice: Liberal Democracies, 1974-2016
Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2021/03/01. Unequal Democracies Working Paper 22 pp. 1-41.
Paper Stones Revisited: Class Voting, Unionization and the Electoral Decline of the Mainstream Left
Rennwald Line, Pontusson Jonas, 2021/03. Perspectives on Politics, 19 (1) pp. 36-54. Peer-reviewed.
Social Democratic Parties and the Working Class : New Voting Patterns
Rennwald Line, 2020., Palgrave Macmillan.
Electoral Competition in Europe's New Tripolar Political Space : Class Voting for the Left, Centre-Right and Radical Right
Oesch Daniel, Rennwald Line, 2018. European Journal of Political Research 57 pp. 783–807. Peer-reviewed.