Pre-registration and registered reports


Marieke Heers
Marieke Heers


FORS Guide Nº 09

How to cite

Heers, M. (2020). Pre-registration and registered reports. FORS Guides, 9, Version 1.1, 1-11.


confirmatory research
publication bias
reporting bias
confirmatory research
publication bias
reporting bias


Pre-registration and registered reports are increasingly advocated to improve the credibility and rigor of empirical research. Pre-registration and more strongly registered reports are expected to reduce reporting and publication bias because they request researchers to define a detailed research plan before the data are collected and before the research outcome is known. Thereby, confirmatory and exploratory research can clearly be distinguished.


  • For your next research project, consider pre-registration. Take a look at the pre-registration templates suggested by the OSF and van ‘t Veer and Giner-Sorolla (2016). These are valuable resources to define the aim and strategy of your upcoming research project, even if you do not (yet) want to register a plan.

  • Check on the website of the journal in which would like to publish your work if it offers the option of a registered report.

  • Consider pre-registration as a push to be clear and precise about your research plan (Lindsay et al., 2016).

  • In your own articles, be clear about what results are confirmatory and what results are exploratory.


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