Group Appeals of Parties in Times of Economic and Identity Conflicts and Realignment. Stuckelberger Simon, Tresch Anke, 2024/05. Political Studies, 72 (2) pp. 463-485. [URN][DOI][Pmid][serval:BIB_CECAC7596782]
National Elections. Lutz Georg, Tresch Anke, 2023/12/18. pp. 391-409 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press. [DOI][serval:BIB_7737F34A4768]
Direct-Democratic Votes. Sciarini Pascal, Tresch Anke, 2023/12/18. pp. 410-429 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press. [DOI][serval:BIB_75266612DCFE]
The existing electoral support for social democratic parties. Rennwald Line, 2023/12/08. Renewal, 31 (4) pp. 18-21. [serval:BIB_DF8270621A39]
Editorial: The future of democracy. Rapeli Lauri, Jäske Maija, Lindholm Annika, 2023/11/17. Frontiers in Political Science, 5. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_AFC20E7F93EA]
Wahlen 2023: Nur sieben Neue schnitten besser als Bisherige ab. Georg Georg, 2023/10/30. DeFacto. [serval:BIB_39D119179239]
Mitte als Mehrheitsbeschafferin gestärkt. Lutz Georg, 2023/10/23. DeFacto. [serval:BIB_20ACEBBDD9EE]
Does it pay to think about the future? Future orientation, ideology, age and vote earning among political candidates. Lindholm Annika, Rapeli Lauri, von Schoultz Åsa, 2023/10/09. International Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Die Kandidierenden- und Listenflut 2023. Lutz Georg, 2023/09/07. DeFacto. [serval:BIB_76DB9A537581]
Frau Rennwald, ist die SVP die Partei der Arbeiterschaft? Rennwald Line, 2023/09/05. DeFacto. [URN][serval:BIB_3964C40A53C2]
Madame Rennwald, l’UDC est-elle le parti des travailleurs ?. Rennwald Line, 2023/09/05. DeFacto. [URN][serval:BIB_AE3DEAB4D0DA]
Political interest in Swiss probability-based political and social surveys. Alkoç Nursel, 2023/08/29., FORS. [URN][serval:BIB_62597CFFF207]
La chute de l’identification partisane en Suisse. Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Le Temps. [URN][serval:BIB_66A61C78DE12]
L’évolution des identifications partisanes en Suisse 1971-2019. Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed.
Die Entwicklung der Parteibindungen in der Schweiz 1971-2019. Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, 2023/07/04. Social Change in Switzerland 34. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_D6FE1778E1F1]
Union Membership and Electoral Demand for Redistribution among Left-authoritarians. Rennwald Line, Mosimann Nadja, 2023/02/27. Unequal Democracies Working Paper 37. [URN][serval:BIB_41BA7DACFB9C]
Waar zijn de sociaaldemocratische kiezers gebleven? Bremer Björn, Rennwald Line, 2023/02/13. Samenleving & Politiek [Society & Politics], 30 (2). [URN][serval:BIB_0329747F06E0]
National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe. Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. New Horizons in European Politics series 244, Edward Elgar Publishing. [DOI][serval:BIB_13D6B70849B9]
Direct democracy, border residence and Euroscepticism: evidence from a proposition to terminate the free movement of persons between Switzerland and the European Union. Bernhard Laurent, Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. pp. 143-164 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 8, Edward Elgar Publishing. [DOI][serval:BIB_8ECF3770DE7B]
Breaking down public opinion on European integration: the role of national borders. Lauener Lukas, 2023/01/13. pp. 119-142 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Pilotti Andrea, Biancalana Cecilia, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 7, Edward Elgar Publishing. [DOI][serval:BIB_C40562527FA4]
What drives elite opinions on European integration? Examining the territorial dimension. Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, 2023/01/13. pp. 96-118 dans Mazzoleni Oscar, Biancalana Cecilia, Pilotti Andrea, Bernhard Laurent, Yerly Grégoire, Lauener Lukas (eds.) National Populism and Borders: The Politicisation of Cross-border Mobilisations in Europe chap. 6, Edward Elgar Publishing. [DOI][serval:BIB_F657B12C5B7C]
Is the unhappy citizen a populist citizen? Linking subjective well-being to populist and nativist attitudes. Lindholm Annika, Rapeli Lauri, 2023/01/12. European Political Science Review 15 pp. 465-481. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_2F949513E7F8]
The Swiss neighbourhood index of socioeconomic position: update and re-validation. Panczak Radoslaw, Berlin Claudia, Voorpostel Marieke, Zwahlen Marcel, Egger Matthias, 2023/01/12. Swiss Medical Weekly, 153 (1) p. 40028. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][Pmid][serval:BIB_CA99F6D9EA2F]
Who still likes social democracy? The support base of social democratic parties reconsidered. Bremer Björn, Rennwald Line, 2023. Party Politics, 29 (4) pp. 741-754. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_4AC79ABB9F55]
Labour Market Transitions in South Africa and Indonesia: A descriptive analysis using panel data. Vaccaro Giannina, Orsholits Dan, Setyonaluri D., Aryaputr C., Zizzamia Rocco, Steinmetz Stephanie, Studer Matthias, Vandecasteele Leen, 2023., Joint EU-ILO Project “Building Partnerships on the Future of Work”. Geneva: ILO / European Commission. [URN][serval:BIB_0AC2B69E0AD1]
Les élites bancaires suisses : entre localisme et transnationalisme. Araujo Pedro, Bühlmann Felix, 2023. Revue française de sociologie, 64 (1-2) pp. 85-110. Peer-reviewed. [URN][WoS][serval:BIB_CD04060A9F6D]
Soziale Verantwortung in der Politik – globale Kompetenz des Staates? Ochsner Michael, 2023. pp. 1-22 dans Handbuch Globale Kompetenz, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_B00A75557333]
The Normalization of Swiss Drug Policies. Pollien Alexandre, 2023. International Journal on Criminology, 10 (2).
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