Valeurs et attitudes
Publications récentes de FORS en lien avec les valeurs et les attitudes
Employment and well-being after plant closure: Survey evidence from Switzerland on the mid and long run. Oesch Daniel, Köster Fiona, Studer Matthias, Baumann Isabel, 2023/12/01. Economic and Industrial Democracy. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_2A7FE0907890]
The effect of parental background on the potential education and employment of migrants’ children in Switzerland. Le Goff Jean-Marie, Guichard Eduardo, Chimienti Milena, Bolzman Claudio, Dasoki Nora, 2023/11/28. Ethnic and Racial Studies pp. 1-27. [DOI][serval:BIB_04416203AA6B]
Societal impact, innovation, or public value? Switzerland’s approach to research impact evaluation and the SSH. Ochsner Michael, Balaban Corina, Iseli Marlène, 2023/11/10. pp. 203-222 dans Accountability in academic life: European perspectives on societal impact evaluation, Edward Elgar Publishing. [URN][DOI][serval:BIB_A0910D8BA0D6]
Perceptions, connaissances et compétences de santé en matière de soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse. Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Maurer Jürgen, Jox Ralf J., 2023/11/06. pp. 161-172 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur. [URN][serval:BIB_AE3CAC979931]
Préférences, communication et planification des soins de fin de vie chez les adultes âgés en Suisse. Vilpert Sarah, Meier Clément, Borrat-Besson Carmen, Borasio Gian Domenico, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/11/06. pp. 173-188 dans Les soins palliatifs à travers les humanités médicales, Georg éditeur. [URN][serval:BIB_9FCC0AE531ED]
The structural shifts in Switzerland’s economy and society, 2000– 2020. Oesch Daniel, 2023/11/01. pp. 73-93 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics chap. 5, Oxford University Press. [URN][serval:BIB_AF13F4468359]
Advance Care Planning: A Story of Trust Within the Family. Iunius L.A., Vilpert S., Meier C., Jox R.J., Borasio G.D., Maurer J., 2023/10. Journal of applied gerontology, 43 (4) pp. 349-362. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_2891BDD10D96]
Development of a patient-centred medication management model for polymedicated home-dwelling older adults after hospital discharge: results of a mixed methods study. Pereira Filipa, Meyer-Massetti Carla, del Río Carral María, von Gunten Armin, Wernli Boris, Verloo Henk, 2023/09. BMJ Open, 13 (9) pp. e072738. Peer-reviewed. [URN][DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_91EDFA2EE38B]
Des vies sociales bouleversées ? Les sociabilités en temps de pandémie dans les familles françaises, suédoises et suisses. Landour Julie, Barbier Pascal, Le Goff Jean-Marie, Chatot Myriam, Constantin Sandra, Lidegran Ida, Hultqvist Elizabeth, Braga Kestener Helena, 2023/08/16. Sociologie, 14 (2) pp. 223-240. Peer-reviewed. [serval:BIB_F9A40D8EC67E]
Older adults’ medical preferences for the end of life: a cross-sectional population-based survey in Switzerland. Vilpert S., Meier C., Berche J., Borasio G.D., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023/07/24. BMJ open, 13 (7) pp. e071444. Peer-reviewed. [DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_988770A15900]
I am a burden! The self‐stigmatising role of burden beliefs in the relation between negative experiences related to health problems and mental well‐being outcomes. Lampropoulos Dimitrios, Klaas Hannah S., Spini Dario, 2023/07/12. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology. [URN][DOI][WoS][serval:BIB_86A4E735C907]
Parental Investment in Children’s Educational Pathways: A Comparative View on Swiss and Migrant Families. Kamm Chantal, Gomensoro Andrés, Heers Marieke, Hupka-Brunner Sandra, 2023/07/01. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 49 (2) pp. 367-394. Peer-reviewed. [DOI][serval:BIB_B7AE56AFDAC6]
Health literacy across personality traits among older adults: cross-sectional evidence from Switzerland. Ryser Valérie-Anne, Meier Clément, Vilpert Sarah, Maurer Jürgen, 2023/06/28. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.[serval:BIB_1287A968B8AD]
Interdependency of relationships in stepfamilies – Variation across children’s residence arrangements,. Arat Ece, Voorpostel Marieke, Bernardi Laura, 2023/06/27. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40 (11) pp. 3656-3678. Peer-reviewed.[serval:BIB_B06ED2E46B00]
Mental Health and Wellbeing of Population with Migrant Background in Switzerland – a Scoping Review and Evidence Map of Quantitative Evidence. Gondek Dawid, Bernardi Laura, 2023/05/26. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Peer-reviewed.[URN][DOI][Pmid][serval:BIB_6E0231B24891]
Measuring Psychological constructs. Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2023/05/15. FORS Guide. Peer-reviewed. [serval:BIB_90211BFDABC8]
Falsches Feindbild Teilzeitarbeit. Oesch Daniel, 2023/05/08. Neue Zürcher Zeitung.[URN][serval:BIB_9441F7C630E3]
A dynamic perspective on the evolution of perceived stress levels in Switzerland: drivers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Klaas Hannah S., Kuhn Ursina, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Refle Jan-Erik, Tillmann Robin, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023/04/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14 (2) pp. 240-274. Peer-reviewed.[URN][DOI][serval:BIB_0F0468CBDCDE]
Endettement et santé mentale : Le rôle de l’organisation financière et de la distribution des responsabilités économiques au sein du couple. Henchoz Caroline, Coste Tristan, Wernli Boris, 2023/03/07. Enfances Familles Générations. Peer-reviewed.[URN][serval:BIB_A240AB722362]
How much his or her job loss influences fertility: A couple approach. Di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, 2023/02/13. Journal of Marriage and Family. Peer-reviewed.[URN][DOI][WoS][serval:BIB_A3BAB2B3B263]
Egalité des sexes et bien-être: Se marier ou vivre en union libre dans le contexte Suisse ? Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, 2023/02/08. pp. 47-74 dans Diversité des familles et bien-être en SuisseEnquête sur les familles et les générations 2013 et 2018, Seismo.[URN][serval:BIB_2F0C9CEF1215]
Association between multiple chronic conditions and insufficient health literacy: cross-sectional evidence from a population-based sample of older adults living in Switzerland. Wieczorek M., Meier C., Vilpert S., Reinecke R., Borrat-Besson C., Maurer J., Kliegel M., 2023/02/06. BMC public health, 23 (1) p. 253. Peer-reviewed. [DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_BABAC21282A5]
The Career Evolution of the Sex Gap in Wages: Discrimination Vs. Human Capital Investment. Vaccaro Giannina, Neumark David, 2023/01/23. 50th Celebratory Volume (Research in Labor Economics) . Peer-reviewed.[DOI][serval:BIB_3982FCF68E02]
Development and validation of a subjective end-of-life health literacy scale. Meier C., Vilpert S., Wieczorek M., Borrat-Besson C., Jox R.J., Maurer J., 2023. PloS one, 18 (10) pp. e0292367. Peer-reviewed.[URN][DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_77BFA78DC803]
Relationship Between Health Literacy and Unhealthy Lifestyle Behaviours in Older Adults Living in Switzerland: Does Social Connectedness Matter? Wieczorek M., Meier C., Kliegel M., Maurer J., 2023. International journal of public health, 68 p. 1606210. Peer-reviewed.[URN][DOI][WoS][Pmid][serval:BIB_0A0B4F6CEBB7]
Subjective Well-Being, Family Dynamics and Vulnerability. Le Goff Jean-Marie, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Bernardi Laura, 2023. pp. 17-29 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.[URN][DOI][serval:BIB_90954EC8E874]
Family Diversity: Updating a Household Typology in the Swiss Household Panel. Morel Sandrine, 2023. (01), FORS.[DOI][serval:BIB_8B7F8BDFAD0A]
How Family and Other Close Ties Shape Vulnerability Processes. Rossier Clémentine, Bernardi Laura, Baersywil Marie, Oris Michel, Sapin Marlène, Widmer Eric, 2023. pp. 153-167 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.[DOI][serval:BIB_D62F8502DFB5]
Concentration of Critical Events Over the Life Course and Life Satisfaction Later in Life. Comolli Chiara L., Bolano Danilo, Bernardi Laura, Voorpostel Marieke, 2023., LIVES.[URN][serval:BIB_C08A97DB7DB0]
How Personal Relationships Affect Employment Outcomes: On the Role of Social Networks and Family Obligations. Lalive Rafael, Oesch Daniel, Pellizzari Michele, 2023. pp. 49-66 dans Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life, Springer Nature Singapore.[URN][DOI][serval:BIB_42A7A01D2F20]
For all scientific publications by FORS collaborators see here.
02.11.2022 HR today
“Importants écarts sociaux en matière d’espérance de vie.”
25.10.2022 Le Temps
“Non, nous ne vivons pas tous plus longtemps en bonne santé.”
25.10.2022 Luzerner Zeitung, St. Galler Tagblatt, Aargauer Zeitung
“Weshalb es Büezern im Alter schlechter geht als Akademikerinnen – und was das mit den Renten zu tun hat.”
La mobilité éducative des Secondos en Suisse / Die Bildungsmobilität der Secondos in der Schweiz
26.07.2022 SWI
“Im Aufwind: Secondas und Secondos in der Schweiz gebildeter als ihre Eltern.”
05.07.2022 Le Temps
“Les secondos en Suisse surpassent leurs parents en termes d’éducation.”
“Bildungsaufstieg für Migrantenkinder aus Balkan schwieriger.”
“Studimi: Fëmijët e migrantëve nga Kosova, me shkallën më të ulët të përfshirjes në arsimimin universitar.”
06.07.2022 La Liberté
“Les secondos gravissent l’échelle sociale”
Trajectoires famille-travail et bien-être subjectif des femmes et hommes en Suisse / Der Einfluss von Familien- und Berufsverläufen auf das Wohlbefinden von Frauen und Männern in der Schweiz
01.06.2022 RTS émission Le Journal de 7h
Juillet/Juli 2022 Pro Familia
“Berufs- und Familienverläufe: Vollzeit arbeitende Mütter sind am zufriedensten”
Bildungspolitik: der Weg zu mehr Chancengleichheit. Oesch Daniel, 2021/03/02. Neue Züricher Zeitung. [URN][serval:BIB_48A450D98E1B]
„Sie wollen ihr Vor-Corona-Leben nicht zurück: Warum rekordviele Menschen eine Firma gründen“, Luzerner Zeitung, 10.07.2021
L’évolution du stress en Suisse – la première vague de la pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées / Die Entwicklung von Stress in der Schweiz – die erste Welle der Pandemie verschafft gestressten Menschen eine Pause
12.07.2021 Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) “Die Pandemie bedeutete nicht für alle mehr Stress”
07.07.2021 Le Temps “Le semi-confinement a déstressé les plus aisés”
06.07.2021 Der Bund “Der Lockdown ist auch ein Stresskiller”
06.07.2021 La Côte “Coronavirus: la première vague a été une pause pour les personnes stressées”
06.07.2021 Le Nouvelliste “Coronavirus: la première vague a été une pause pour les personnes stressées”
06.07.2021 RTS info “La pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées”
06.07.2021 World in 24 “The first wave was a break for…”