The European Values Study 2017: On the Way to the Future Using Mixed-Modes
Luijkx Ruud, Jónsdóttir Guðbjörg Andrea, Gummer Tobias, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Frederiksen Morten, Ketola Kimmo, Reeskens Tim, Brislinger Evelyn, Christmann Pablo, Gunnarsson Stefán Þór et al., 2021. European Sociological Review, 37 (2) pp. 330–346. Peer-reviewed.
Investigating the Relative Impact of Different Sources of Measurement Non-Equivalence in Comparative Surveys. An Illustration with Scale Format, Data Collection Mode and Cross-National Variations
Roberts Caroline, Sarrasin Oriane, Ernst Stähli Michèle, 2020/10/10. Survey Research Methods, 14 (4) pp. 399-415. Peer-reviewed.
Incentives in surveys
Lipps Oliver, Herzing Jessica M. E., Pekari Nicolas, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, Riedo Gisana, Reveilhac Maud, 2019/06/20. FORS Guide, FORS, University of Lausanne.
How to run long web surveys: a real-life experiment with the European Values Study
Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, Ochsner Michael, Milbert Patricia, Joye Dominique, 2018/03/01., GOR/DGOF dans General Online Research 2018.
Adjustment for nonresponse with variables from different sources: Bias correction and precision loss, with application to the Swiss European Social Survey 2012
Vandenplas Caroline, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Joye Dominique, Pollien Alexandre, 2017/05/23. Mathematical Population Study, 24 (4) pp. 103-125. Peer-reviewed.
Droit au travail ou devoir d’emploi ? L’insertion par l’activité économique des années 2000
Pélisse Jérôme, Ernst Stähli Michèle, 2017/04/19. pp. 2015-244 dans Balzani Bernard, Capdevielle Philippe (eds.) Etudes sur l'insertion, Presses Universitaires de Lorraine (PUN).
Incentives as a Possible Measure to Increase Response Rates
Ernst Stähli Michèle , Joye Dominique, 2016/07. pp. 425-440 dans Wolf Christof, Joye Dominique, Smith Tom W. , Fu Yang-chih (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Survey Methodology chap. 28, SAGE.
Mixing modes of data collection in Swiss social surveys: Methodological report of the LIVES-FORS mixed mode experiment
Roberts Caroline, Joye Dominique, Ernst Stähli Michèle, 2016. LIVES Working Papers, 48 pp. 1-42. Peer-reviewed.
Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course : Balancing substantive and methodological challenges
Oris Michel, Roberts Caroline, Joye Dominique, Ernst Staehli Michèle, 2016. pp. 1-25 dans Oris Michel, Roberts Caroline, Joye Dominique, Ernst Staehli Michèle (eds.) Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course chap. 1, Springer.
Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course
Oris Michel, Roberts Caroline, Joye Dominique, Ernst Staehli Michèle (eds.), 2016., 1 Life Course Research and Social Policies, 3 242, Springer.
Identifying Pertinent Variables for Nonresponse Follow-Up Surveys : Lessons Learned from 4 Cases in Switzerland
Vandenplas Caroline, Joye Dominique, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, 2015. Survey Research Methods, 9 (3) pp. 141-158. Peer-reviewed.
Evaluating the impact of response enhancement methods on the risk of nonresponse bias and survey costs
Roberts Caroline, Vandenplas Caroline, Ernst Stähli Michèle, 2014/08. Survey Research Methods : Journal of the European Survey Research Association, 8 (2) pp. 67-80. Peer-reviewed.
Webdatanet : Innovation and quality in web-based data collection
Steinmetz Stephanie, Slavec Ana, Tijdens Kea, Reips Ulf-Dietrich, de Pedraza Pablo, Popescu Alina, Ernst Staehli Michèle, 2014. International Journal of Internet Science, 9 (1) pp. 64-71.
Non-respondent surveys: pertinence and feasibility
Ernst Stähli Michèle, Joye Dominique, 2013/07. The Survey Statistician 68 pp. 16-22.
Who can be contacted by phone? Lessons from Switzerland
Joye D., Pollien A., Sapin M., Ernst Stähli M., 2012. pp. 85-102 dans Häder M., Häder S., Kühne M. (eds.) Telephone Surveys in Europe: Research and Practice, Springer.
Spotlight Switzerland
Ernst Stähli M., 2012. pp. 25-36 dans Häder M., Häder S., Kühne M. (eds.) Telephone Surveys in Europe: Research and Practice, Springer.
Wishes or Constraints? Mothers' Labour Force Participation and its Motivation in Switzerland
Ernst Stähli M., Le Goff J.-M., Levy R., Widmer E., 2009/06. European Sociological Review, 25 (3) pp. 333-348. Peer-reviewed.
La flexibilité du temps de travail: entre autonomie et contraintes. Une étude de cas en Suisse.
Ernst Stähli M., 2003/10. 485, Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Levy R., Lichtenberger Y. (dir.).
Couples contemporains - Cohésion, régulation et conflits. Une enquête sociologique
Widmer E., Kellerhals J., Levy R., Ernst Stähli M., Hammer R., 2003., Seismo.
Lebenslauf und Regulation in Paarbeziehungen: Bestimmungsgründe der Ungleichheit familiarer Arbeitsteilung
Levy R., Ernst M., 2002. Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 14 (2) pp. 103-132. Peer-reviewed.
Cohésion, régulation et conflits dans les familles contemporaines. Rapport final n°5004-047772-1 Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique
Widmer Eric D., Kellerhals Jean, Levy René, Ernst Michèle, Hammer Raphaël, 2002. 428 Rapport final au Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, subside FNRS n°5004-47772-1, Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne.
Le temps de travail, enjeu social et objet de règles
Ernst M., Pélisse J., 2002. Travaux et Recherches de l'UMLV 5 pp. 79-101. Peer-reviewed.