Elie Michel and Lukas Lauener will present their research at this FORS Lunch Seminar.
Do you have questions about managing and sharing your social science research data? We’ve got answers. Every second Thursday of the month from 13:00 to 14:00 online.

The CNES Seminar Series casts a spotlight on different National Election Studies that share their experiences in designing and conducting election studies. Free online event.
With a wide selection of courses covering diverse methodologies, participants can refresh, deepen, and expand their analytical toolkit. Five experts from FORS will be teaching three courses at this year’s Summer School.
Past events
We are pleased to welcome Lea Kröner, a PhD candidate at Utrecht University (Department of Sociology) and an invited researcher at FORS.
FORS is contributing to this year’s Love Data Week with three free online presentations, focusing on open science, data sharing, and practical guidance for using SWISSUbase.

FORS et DaSCH (Swiss National Data and Service Center for the Humanities) ont lançé une nouvelle série de webinaires en ligne sur la gestion des données pour les chercheuses et chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales. Le deuxième webinaire porte sur la thématique “FAIR & CARE Principles”.
We welcome Joshua Yang from ETH Zurich.The title of his presentation is “LLM Voting: Human Choices and AI Collective Decision-Making”. The seminar will take place at Géopolis, room 5799, University of Lausanne from 12:15 to 13:30.
Elevate your research in today’s data-driven world by gaining critical skills in Research Data Management (RDM) and Open Science.
The theme of the 18th Conference “Social Monitoring and Reporting in Europe” (October 7-9, 2024) is “Fears, Worries and Anxieties in Contemporary Europe. Is there a societal climate change and what are the consequences for quality of life?”.
In 15 Ateliers können sich Interessierte über den aktuellen Stand verschiedener Methoden informieren und Fragen sowie ihre eigenen Projekte mit Expertinnen und Experten diskutieren.
The Swiss Household Panel (SHP) workshop will take place in Lausanne from the 4th to the 7th of June 2024.
Pour l’enquête 2026/2027, les ch-x sont à la recherche d’un chercheur/d’une chercheuse qui réalisera le projet sur la base d’un concept qu’il/elle aura développé dans le cadre des directives ch-x.
We are delighted to inform you about a series of dedicated sessions scheduled for the Love Data Week Switzerland. Join them online for free.
Professor Florian Keusch from the University of Mannheim will give a presentation on the Quality of Digital Behavioral Data.
Are you involved in the provision of data management support to social science researchers in Swiss research institutions? Then register for this free online workshop.
The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is delighted to announce its second ISSP User Conference, scheduled for December 4, 2023 around the topic of Environment. Submit your abstract till October 20, 2023.
This edition includes sessions covering topics, such as health and well-being, education and labour market, families, gender, ethnic minorities and migration, politics and attitudes, survey methodology, and longitudinal methods.