Parution des résultats de l’étude Selects sur les Élections fédérales 2023

June 20, 2024

Depuis 1995, l’étude électorale suisse Selects analyse la participation et le comportement électoral lors des élections fédérales.

“seqSHP”: a new R package that simplifies the creation of SHP files

June 20, 2024

This package provides functions for extracting, assembling, and matching user-specified variable data into sequences with variables from unique files.

Round 11 ESS data now available

June 19, 2024

The survey data collected in the latest round of the European Social Survey (ESS) is now available for 13 countries, including Switzerland.

FORS Data Re-use Award

May 30, 2024

Are you currently working with social science data you got from FORS? Or are you planning to do so in the next few months? Then consider submitting your paper to the FORS Data Re-use Award and get the chance to win up to 1’000 CHF.

Driving Open Science forward: Switzerland founds the SSHOC-CH open cluster

May 7, 2024

FORS is pleased to be part of the founding assembly and announces the appointment of Georg Lutz, Director of FORS, to the position of President within SSHOC-CH.

The European Social Survey has been awarded the Infrastructure Prize for Sociology 2024

April 29, 2024

The ESS is honored to receive this prize in recognition of their collective work to deliver high quality data infrastructure to European social scientists.

Call for contributions on Longitudinal Survey Data

April 26, 2024

The SHP team has published a call for contributions for the Research Topic “Exploring Social Stratification Dynamics: Insights from Longitudinal Survey Data”. Submit your abstract until July 31, 2024.

Call for Questions/Modules (CCS round IV questionnaire 2025-2030)

April 22, 2024

The Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS) has been conducted successfully in around 30 countries since 2005. They now prepare a 4th series of candidate surveys that will be fielded from 2025 to 2030. Submit your questions and modules by June 10, 2024.

Publication du Rapport Annuel 2023 de FORS : 15 ans de contributions à la recherche en sciences sociales

April 8, 2024

Ce rapport reflète nos diverses activités tout au long de l’année.

Publication of the first partial data release of the ISSP 2021 Health and Health Care II

April 6, 2024

The ISSP is pleased to announce the publication of the first partial data release of the ISSP 2021 Health and Health Care II.

New SHP data released!

March 3, 2024

We have published Wave 24 of the SHP. For the first time, we are releasing a long file containing all waves of the SHP in a single file. You can find all the data sets on SWISSUbase.

Publication des données de l’enquête MOSAiCH 2023 sur l’identité nationale et la citoyenneté

February 26, 2024

Les données MOSAiCH/ISSP 2023 sur l’identité nationale et la citoyenneté, collectées au printemps 2023, sont maintenant disponibles.

Register now for the Swiss Summer School in Social Science Methods in Lugano

February 21, 2024

The registration and the programme are out now. In response to requests from past participants, 3 new courses are introduced this year.

Call for Round 13 Rotating Modules – European Social Survey

January 9, 2024

Researchers are invited to submit applications for modules of questions to be fielded in each round of the European Social Survey. The deadling is April 26, 2023.

Appel à contributions MOSAiCH 2025 – avec un focus thématique sur « TRAVAIL »

December 21, 2023

Les chercheuses et chercheurs sont invités à soumettre des questions pour la 2e partie de l’enquête MOSAiCH 2025. Délai: lundi 22 avril 2024.

Les 15 ans de FORS

December 18, 2023

De nombreux membres passés et présents de FORS nous ont rejoints le mois dernier, participant à des discussions mettant en lumière le parcours remarquable de FORS et son orientation future.

Interview with Brian Kleiner on the collaboration between CESSDA ERIC and FORS

December 7, 2023

Brian Kleiner, Head of Data and Research Information Services for the Social Sciences: “Through CESSDA, we are able to build things together with other Data Archives and we benefit from what we build”.

A new study on life satisfaction and retirement

November 30, 2023

A new study using data from the SHP and the SOEP states that the life satisfaction trajectories around retirement age have improved over the last 20 years.

Call for papers for the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association 2024

November 24, 2023

Submit your abstract. From exploring crises, risks, and vulnerability using MOSAiCH-data to innovating gender analysis in quantitative surveys and (de)gendering vulnerabilities.

Comprendre le comportement électoral suisse : Selects dans les médias

November 14, 2023

Depuis 1995, Selects étudie le comportement électoral des citoyen-ne-s suisses lors des élections nationales. Découvrez une sélection d’articles mettant en valeur Selects et ses membres d’équipe.

La réutilisation secondaire des données doit être améliorée

November 7, 2023

FORS/ et Interpharma formulent les exigences pour une «loi-cadre pour la réutilisation des données» du point de vue de la recherche en sciences sociales et pharmaceutique.

Sharing personal data through a data repository. Register now.

October 9, 2023

Are you involved in the provision of data management support to social science researchers in Swiss research institutions? Then register for this free online workshop on November 28, 2023. 9:00 am -12:30 pm.

FORS secures the CoreTrustSeal certification for data trustworthiness

September 25, 2023

The CoreTrustSeal is a globally recognized certification awarded to organizations that have demonstrated their dedication to responsible data stewardship and excellence in data management practices.

Le FORS Data Re-use Award 2023

September 22, 2023

Soumettez votre article et tentez de gagner jusqu’à 1’000 CHF. Ce prix est décerné aux jeunes chercheuses et chercheurs qui effectuent d’excellentes recherches basées sur des données secondaires.

First edition of the CNES seminar series on Implementing mixed-mode surveys

September 21, 2023

This CNES Seminar Series casts a spotlight on different National Election Studies that share their experiences in designing and conducting election studies. Free online event: 14.11.2023