Eidgenössische Wahlen 2023. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke Daniela, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20. 86, Rapport disponible ici: https://forscenter.ch/selects_reports/slc-2024-00001/
Il y a également une version en français et en italien.
Elezioni federali 2023. Partecipazione e decisione di voto
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Georg Lutz, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
Élections fédérales 2023. Participation et choix électoral
Tresch Anke, Rennwald Line, Lauener Lukas, Lutz Georg, Alkoç Nursel, Benvenuti Romane, Mazzoleni Oscar, 2024/06/20..
Life Dissatisfaction and the Right-Wing Populist Vote: Evidence from the European Social Survey
Lindholm Annika, Lutz Georg, Green Eva G. T., 2024/03/25. American Behavioral Scientist. Peer-reviewed.
Study to evaluate the future data compilation for the Swiss Consumer Sentiment Index
Lutz Georg, Wernli Boris, Antal Erika, Lipps Oliver, Legler Victor, Kaufmann Daniel, Burri Marc, 2024/02/15., Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern, Switzerland. Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik Nr. 43..
National Elections
Lutz Georg, Tresch Anke, 2023/12/18. pp. 391-409 dans The Oxford Handbook of Swiss Politics, Oxford University Press.
Wahlen 2023: Nur sieben Neue schnitten besser als Bisherige ab
Lutz Georg, 2023/10/30. DeFacto.
Mitte als Mehrheitsbeschafferin gestärkt
Lutz Georg, 2023/10/23. DeFacto.
Die Kandidierenden- und Listenflut 2023
Lutz Georg, 2023/09/07. DeFacto.
ESFRI Policy Brief on Assessment of Impact of Research Infrastructures
Kolar Jana, Lutz Georg, Angelieva Karina, Angelis Jelena, Brecko Barbara, Chamberlain Martyn, Guittet Eric, Karayannis Fotis, Plaskan Jure, Ryan Michael et al., 2023/07..
Conditional distributions of frame variables and voting behaviour in probability‐based surveys and opt‐in panels
Pekari Nicolas, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, Lutz Georg, 2022/09/27. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Position paper: Social sciences and humanities research infrastructures in Switzerland
SSH Stakeholder Community Switzerland, Lutz Georg, 2022/08/24., SSH Support group.
Die nationalen Wahlen in der Schweiz
Lutz Georg, Tresch Anke, 2022/03/14. pp. 519-557 dans Handbuch der Schweizer Politik/Manuel de la politique suisse, NZZ Libro.
Subjective wellbeing and the political citizen
Lindholm Annika, 2021., Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Lutz Georg (dir.).
Measuring party affiliation
Lutz Georg, Lauener Lukas, 2020/12. 17, FORS Guides.
Accessing and linking data for research in Switzerland
Swerts Elfie, Lutz Georg, 2020/11/01., FORS-Centre de compétences suisse en sciences sociales.
Candidate Campaigns in Comparative Perspective
Karlsen Rune, Lutz Georg, Öberg Patrik, Schmitt Hermann, 2020/10/28. pp. 78-96 dans De Winter Lieven, Karlsen Rune (eds.) Parliamentary Candidates Between Voters and Parties. A Comparative Perspective chap. 4, Routledge.
Comparative candidate survey data and methods
Lindholm Annika, Lutz Georg, 2020/10/27. pp. 227-234 dans De Winter, L., R. Karlsen & H. Schmitt (eds.). Parliamentary candidates between voters and parties. A comparative perspective., Routledge.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2019. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Tresch Anke, Lauener Lukas, Bernhard Laurent, Lutz Georg, Scaperrotta Laura, 2020/07/03. 94.
Partisanship in the process of party choice
Franklin Mark N., Lutz Georg, Holmberg Sören, 2020. pp. 308-327 dans Oscarsson Henrik (eds.) Research Handbook on Political Partisanship chap. 23, Edward Elgar.
Group Appeals in Electoral Politics : Comparing Party Behaviour in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands
Stûckelberger Simon, 2019., Université de Lausanne, Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques, Tresch Anke (dir.).
Interest Group Support and Electoral Success in the Swiss Elections of 2015. A Candidate Survey Analysis
Lutz Georg, Mach André, Primavesi Riccardo, 2018/12/10. Swiss Political Science Review, 24 (4) pp. 487–509. Peer-reviewed.
Vergleich der Datenqualität von Opt-in Panels und zufallsgesteuerten Umfragen
Pekari Nicolas, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, Lutz Georg, 2018/11. Methoden-Newsletter vsms 2.
Gender of Interviewer Effects in a multi-topic centralized CATI Panel Survey
LIpps Oliver, Lutz Georg, 2017/02/01. methods, data, analyses, 11 (1) pp. 67-86. Peer-reviewed.
VOTO-Studie zur eidgenössischen Volksabstimmung vom 27. November 2016
Lutz Georg, Lebert Florence, 2017/01/19., Bundeskanzlei.
Issue Competence and its Influence on Voting Behavior in the Swiss 2015 Elections
Lutz Georg, Sciarini Pascal, 2016/03. Swiss Political Science Review, 22 (1) pp. 5-14.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2015. Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Lutz Georg, 2016..
Lone fighters: Intraparty competition, interparty competition, and candidates' vote seeking efforts in open-ballot PR elections
Selb Peter, Lutz Georg, 2015/09. Electoral Studies, 39 pp. 329-337.
The 2011 Swiss Elections: Introduction
Lachat Romain, Lutz Georg, Stadelmann-Steffen Isabelle, 2014/12. Swiss Political Science Review, 20 (4) pp. 515-519.
The 2011 Swiss Federal Elections: Right-wing Defeat and Increased Fractionalisation
Lutz Georg, 2012/05. West European Politics, 35 (3) pp. 682-693.
Unequal Representation of Age Groups in Switzerland
Kissau K., Lutz G., Rosset J., 2012/04. Representation, 48 (1) pp. 63-81. Peer-reviewed.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2011: Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Lutz Georg, 2012..
The Electoral Success of Beauties and Beasts
Lutz Georg, 2010/09. Swiss Political Science Review, 16 (3) pp. 457-480.
Lutz Georg, 2010/07. Representation, 46 (2) pp. 167-181.
How Answers on Political Attitudes are Shaped by Interviewers: Evidence from a Panel Survey
Lipps O., Lutz G., 2010. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 36 (2) pp. 345-358. Peer-reviewed.
Explaining the Variance of Perceived and Substantive Representation
Giger Nathalie, Kissau Kathrin, Lutz Georg, Rosset Jan, 2009. dans 5th General ECPR Conference in Potsdam.
The structuring pattern of political opinions : is it the same for citizens and elites ?
Kissau Kathrin, Lutz Georg, Rosset Jan, 2009. dans 5th General ECPR Conference in Potsdam.
Eidgenössische Wahlen 2007: Wahlteilnahme und Wahlentscheid
Lutz Georg, 2008..
Introduction: Consequences of low turnout
Lutz Georg, Marsh Michael, 2007/09. Electoral Studies, 26 (3) pp. 539-547.
Low turnout in direct democracy
Lutz Georg, 2007/09. Electoral Studies, 26 (3) pp. 624-632.
Lutz Georg, 2006/04. Representation, 42 (1) pp. 45-57.