Item non-response in the telephone and the web mode
Lipps Oliver, Presentation at the 15. Panelworkshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum, Berlin, 30/03/2023...
A primer on fixed-effects and fixed-effects panel modeling using R, Stata, and SPSS
Sommet Nicolas, Lipps Oliver.
The Impact of Coronavirus-Related School Closures on Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Perceived Risk of School Failure in Switzerland
Grätz Michael, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, 2024/12/31. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 50 (3) pp. 381-399. Peer-reviewed.
Occupational Earning Potential: A new measure of social hierarchy applied to Europe
Oesch Daniel, Lipps Oliver, Shahbazian Roujman, Bihagen Erik, Morris Katy, 2024/12/19..
Can We Explain the Generation Gap in Churchgoing?
Stolz Jörg, Lipps Oliver, Voas David, Antonietti Jean-Philippe, 2024/05/06. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Peer-reviewed.
How do web and telephone compare in the first waves of the SHP_IV refreshment sample
Lipps Oliver, 2024/04/09., Presentation at the 16. Workshop der Panelsurveys im deutschsprachigen Raum, Nürnberg, Germany.
Study to evaluate the future data compilation for the Swiss Consumer Sentiment Index
Lutz Georg, Wernli Boris, Antal Erika, Lipps Oliver, Legler Victor, Kaufmann Daniel, Burri Marc, 2024/02/15., Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft SECO, Bern, Switzerland. Grundlagen für die Wirtschaftspolitik Nr. 43..
How loneliness increased among different age groups during COVID-19: a longitudinal analysis
Köster Fiona, Lipps Oliver, 2024/01/01. European Journal of Ageing, 21 (2). Peer-reviewed.
Targeting Incentives in Mature Probability-based Online Panels
Lipps Oliver, Felder Max, Lauener Lukas, Meisser Anna, Pekari Nicolas, Rennwald Line, Tresch Anke, 2023/08/21. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
Income Imputation in Longitudinal Surveys: A Within-Individual Panel-Regression Approach
Lipps Oliver, Kuhn Ursina, 2023/08/08. Survey Research Methods , 17 (2) pp. 159–175. Peer-reviewed.
Das Schweizer Haushalt Panel – Eigenschaften, Inhalt und Daten(qualität).
Lipps Oliver, 2023/06/01., Presentation at the ZHAW Gesundheit, Winterthur.
Effects of Changing Modes on Item Nonresponse in Panel Surveys
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2023/06/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 39 (2) pp. 139-149.
How much his or her job loss influences fertility: A couple approach
Di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, 2023/02/13. Journal of Marriage and Family. Peer-reviewed.
Cost efficiency of incentives in mature probability-based online panels
Lipps Oliver, Jaquet Julien, Lauener Lukas, Tresch Anke, Pekari Nicolas, 2022/12/12. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
The gendered consequences of the COVID‐19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children
Steinmetz Stephanie, Vandecasteele Leen, Lebert Florence, Voorpostel Marieke, Lipps Oliver, 2022/11. Gender, Work & Organization, 29 (6) pp. 2034-2051. Peer-reviewed.
Conditional distributions of frame variables and voting behaviour in probability‐based surveys and opt‐in panels
Pekari Nicolas, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, Lutz Georg, 2022/09/27. Swiss Political Science Review. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of Question Characteristics on Item Nonresponse in Telephone and Web Survey Modes
Lipps Oliver, Monsch Gian-Andrea, 2022/08/28. Field Methods pp. 1525822X2211158. Peer-reviewed.
Health and labor force participation among older workers in Switzerland: a growth curve analysis
Feer Sonja, Lipps Oliver, Dratva Julia, Baumann Isabel, 2022/08/12. European Journal of Ageing. Peer-reviewed.
Overwhelmed by Learning in Lockdown: Effects of Covid-19-enforced Homeschooling on Parents' Wellbeing.
Heers M., Lipps O., 2022. Social indicators research, 164 (1) pp. 323-343. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of unemployment on couples separating in Germany and the UK
Di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/10/02. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84 (1) pp. 310-329. Peer-reviewed.
Do web and telephone produce the same number of changes and events in a panel survey?
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, 2021/10/01. methods, data, analyses , 16 (1) pp. 33-50. Peer-reviewed.
Sequentially mixing modes in an election survey
Lipps Oliver, Pekari Nicolas, 2021/05/18. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Peer-reviewed.
Panel surveys: advantages and disadvantages compared with repeated cross-sectional surveys
Lipps Oliver, 2021/03/19., FORS.
Codebook for CNEF variables in the SHP (1999 - 2021)
Lipps Oliver, Kuhn Ursina, 2021/01/30..
Mixing modes in household panel surveys: Recent developments and new findings.
Voorpostel Marieke, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, 2021. dans Advances in Longitudinal Survey Methodology, Wiley.
Sequentially mixing modes in an election survey
Lipps Oliver, Pekari Nicolas, 2020/12/17., FORS.
Who is most affected by the Corona crisis? An analysis of changes in stress and well-being in Switzerland
Kuhn Ursina, Klaas Hannah S., Antal Erika, Dasoki Nora, Lebert Florence, Lipps Oliver, Monsch Gian-Andrea, Refle Jan-Erik, Ryser Valérie-Anne, Tillmann Robin et al., 2020/11/21. European Societies pp. 1-15.
Large Loss in Studying Time During the Closure of Schools in Switzerland in 2020
Grätz Michael, Lipps Oliver, 2020/10/30. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71 p. 100554. Peer-reviewed.
The effect of unemployment on couples separating. Panel evidence for Germany, Switzerland and the United Kingdom
di Nallo Alessandro, Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/08/27. DIAL Working Papers 14 pp. 1-41.
Can Interviewer Evaluations Predict Short-Term and Long-Term Participation in Telephone Panels?
Lipps Oliver, Voorpostel Marieke, 2020/03/01. Journal of Official Statistics, 36 (1) pp. 117-136. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of topic distribution and topic importance on interest and follow-up response
Lipps Oliver, Pollien Alexandre, 2019/12/18. FORS Working Paper Series.
Interviewer Effects on Cooperation during Initial and Refusal Conversion Fieldwork Phases in Telephone Panel Surveys
Lipps Oliver, 2019/11. Field Methods, 31 (4) pp. 375-393. Peer-reviewed.
Incentives in surveys
Lipps Oliver, Herzing Jessica M. E., Pekari Nicolas, Ernst Stähli Michèle, Pollien Alexandre, Riedo Gisana, Reveilhac Maud, 2019/06/20. FORS Guide, FORS, University of Lausanne.
Job insecurity and parental well-being: The role of parenthood and family factors
Hanappi Doris, LIpps Oliver, 2019/04/11. Demographic Research, 40 pp. 897-932. Peer-reviewed.
Surveying national minorities
Herzing Jessica M. E., Elcheroth Guy, Lipps Oliver, Kleiner Brian, 2019/03/01., University of Lausanne; FORS.
Vergleich der Datenqualität von Opt-in Panels und zufallsgesteuerten Umfragen
Pekari Nicolas, Lipps Oliver, Roberts Caroline, Lutz Georg, 2018/11. Methoden-Newsletter vsms 2.
Additional Languages and Representativeness
Lipps Oliver, Ochsner Michael, 2018/09/28. pp. 859-877 dans Johnson Timothy , Pennell Beth-Ellen , Stoop Ineke , Dorer Brita (eds.) Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multinational, Multiregional, and Multicultural Contexts (3MC) chap. 39, Wiley.
The Working Class Left Behind ? The Class Gap in Life Satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland over the Last Decades
Lipps Oliver, Oesch Daniel, 2018/03/15. European Societies, 4 (20) pp. 549-571.
The Wage Penalty for Motherhood : Evidence on Discrimination from Panel Data and a Survey Experiment for Switzerland
Oesch Daniel, Lipps Oliver, McDonald Patrick, 2017/12/08. Demographic Research, 37 pp. 1793-1824.
The Working Class Left Behind ? The Class Gap in Life Satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland over the Last Decades
Lipps O., Oesch D., 2017/12/06. SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research p. 28.
Malheureux, les bourreaux de travail ?
Kuhn Ursina, Lalive Rafael, Lipps Oliver, Winkelmann Rainer, 2017/03/23. Die Volkswirtschaft, 4 pp. 43-45.
Sind Workaholics unzufriedener?
Kuhn Ursina, Lalive Rafael, Lipps Oliver, Winkelmann Rainer, 2017/03/23. Die Volkswirtschaft, 4 pp. 43-45.
Gender of Interviewer Effects in a multi-topic centralized CATI Panel Survey
LIpps Oliver, Lutz Georg, 2017/02/01. methods, data, analyses, 11 (1) pp. 67-86. Peer-reviewed.
Modeling Cooperation in an Address-register-based Telephone/Face-to-face Survey
Lipps O., 2016/11. Field Methods, 28 (4) pp. 396-414. Peer-reviewed.
Inequality of BMI dynamics: A socioeconomic and gender perspective
Lipps O., Zella S., 2016/10. LIVES WORKING PAPER pp. 1-21.
Attrition when dropping CAPI from a CATI/CAPI panel survey
Lipps O., Lebert F., 2016/07. Survey Practice, 9 (2) pp. 1-5. Peer-reviewed.
Non-Observation Bias in an Address-Register-Based CATI/CAPI Mixed Mode Survey
Lipps O., 2016/05. methods, data, analyses, 10 (1) pp. 5-24. Peer-reviewed.
Sample Representation and Substantive Outcomes Using Web With and Without Incentives Compared to Telephone in an Election Survey
Lipps O., Pekari N., 2016/03. Journal of Official Statistics, 32 (1) pp. 165-186. Peer-reviewed.
How to survey displaced workers in Switzerland ? Sources of bias and ways around them
Baumann I., Lipps O., Oesch D., Vandenplas C., 2016. pp. 159-176 dans Springer (eds.) Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course, Oris, M. Roberts, C. Joye, D. Ernst-Stähli, M..
How to survey displaced workers in Switzerland : Ways of addressing sources of bias
Baumann I., Lipps O., Oesch D., Vandenplas C., 2016. pp. 159-176 dans Oris M., Roberts C., Joye D., Ernst Staehli M. (eds.) Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course chap. 7, Springer.
What 's more important for life satisfaction? Market Goods or Social Goods?
Kuhn U., Lalive R., Lipps O., Winkelmann R., 2016. pp. 66-80 dans Bühlmann F., Ehrler F., Farago P., Höpflinger F., Joye D., Perrig-Chiello P., Suter C. (eds.) Swiss Social Report 2016 : Wellbeing, Seismo Verlag AG.
The Swiss Household Panel Study : Observing social change since 1999
Tillmann R., Voorpostel M., Kuhn U., Lebert F., Ryser V.-A., Lipps O., Wernli B., Antal E., 2016/01. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 7 (1) pp. 64-78.
Undercoverage and Nonresponse in a List-sampled Telephone Election Survey
Lipps O., Pekari N., Roberts C., 2015/08. Survey Research Methods, 9 (2) pp. 71-82. Peer-reviewed.
Language Ability and Motivation among Foreigners in Survey Responding
Kleiner B., Lipps O., Ferrez E., 2015/06. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 3 (3) pp. 339-360. Peer-reviewed.
Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around? A panel analysis of life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland
Oesch Daniel, Lipps Oliver, 2013. European Sociological Review, 29 (5) pp. 955-967. Peer-reviewed.
Chômage: pas d'effet d'habitude
Oesch Daniel, Lipps Oliver, 2013. Panorama - Formation, Orientation, Marché du travail 4 p. 28.
Under-representation of foreign minorities in cross-sectional and longitudinal surveys in Switzerland
Lipps O., Laganà F., Pollien A., Gianettoni L., 2013. pp. 241-267 dans Font J., Méndez M. (eds.) Surveying Ethnic Minorities and Immigrant Populations: Methodological Challenges and Research Strategies, Amsterdam University Press.
Arbeitslosigkeit: kein Gewöhnungseffekt
Oesch Daniel, Lipps Oliver, 2013. Panorama - Bildung, Beratung, Arbeitsmarkt 4 p. 31.
A Note on improving Contact Times in Panel Surveys
Lipps O., 2012. Field Methods, 24 (1) pp. 95-111. Peer-reviewed.
Nonresponse in an Individual Register Sample Telephone Survey in Lucerne/Switzerland
Lipps O., Kissau K., 2012. pp. 187-208 dans Häder M., Häder S., Kühne M. (eds.) Telephone Surveys in Europe: Research and Practice, Springer.
Using information from telephone panel surveys to predict reasons for refusal
Lipps O., 2012. MDA - Methoden, Daten, Analysen, 6 (1) pp. 3-20. Peer-reviewed.
Hinweise zu Panel- und Mehrtageserhebungen zum Mobilitätsverhalten Methoden und Anwendungen
Kunert U., Chlond B., Bäumer M., Haag G., Kagerbauer M., Kuhnimhof T., Lipps O., Manz W., Ottmann P., Sauer A. et al., 2012., Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen (FGSV).
Minorities in general social surveys: what we can learn from the Swiss case and why the black box should be opened wider. Position paper,
Elcheroth Guy, Fasel Nicole, Gianettoni Lavinia, Kleiner Brian, Lagana Francesco, Lipps Oliver, Penic Sandra, Pollien Alexandre, 2011/09., University of Lausanne and Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences.
Effects of Interviewer Experience on Components of Nonresponse in the European Social Survey
Lipps O., Pollien A., 2011. Field Methods, 23 (2) pp. 156-172. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel: Is change associated with drop-out?
Voorpostel M., Lipps O., 2011. Journal of Official Statistics, 27 (2) pp. 301-318. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel: Is change associated with later drop-out?
Voorpostel M., Lipps O., 2011. Journal of Official Statistics, 27 (2) pp. 301-318. Peer-reviewed.
Does unemployment hurt less if there is more of it around? A panel analysis of life satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland
Oesch D. Lipps O. , 2011. (393), SOEP papers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research.
Using the experimental Design of centralized Telephone Panel Studies to study Interviewer and Respondent Data Quality Effects - the SHP as an example
Lipps O., 2011. Swiss Household Panel Working Paper 1/11.
Studies on Data Quality in Complex Household Surveys
Lipps O., 2010/09., University of Basel, Bergman Max (dir.).
Does Interviewer-Respondent Socio-Demographic Matching Increase Cooperation in Centralized CATI Household Panels?
Lipps O., 2010/08. Survey Practice pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.
How Answers on Political Attitudes are Shaped by Interviewers: Evidence from a Panel Survey
Lipps O., Lutz G., 2010. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 36 (2) pp. 345-358. Peer-reviewed.
Change of individual BMI in Switzerland and the USA: a multilevel model for growth
Lipps O., Moreau-Gruet F., 2010. International Journal of Public Health, 55 pp. 299-306. Peer-reviewed.
Effects of different Incentives on Attrition and Fieldwork Effort in Telephone Household Panel Surveys
Lipps O., 2010. Survey Research Methods, 4 (2) pp. 81-90. Peer-reviewed.
Swiss Journal of Sociology. Special Issue: Social Science Research with Panel Data in Switzerland.
Lipps O., Tillmann R., Kuhn U., Lillard D., Bergman M. (eds.), 2010., 36, Bergman M..
Cooperation in centralised CATI Household Panel Surveys : A Contact-based Multilevel Analysis to Examine Interviewer, Respondent, and Fieldwork Process Effects
Lipps O., 2009. Journal of Official Statistics, 25 (3) pp. 323-338. Peer-reviewed.
Das Mobilitätspanel : was kann es von sozialwissenschaftlichen Panelerhebungen lernen ?
Lipps O., 2009. pp. 50-65 dans Mobiles Leben : Festschrift für Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Zumkeller, Institut für Verkehrswesen, Universität Karlsruhe.
Attrition of Households and Individuals in Panel Surveys
Lipps O., 2009. SOEPpapers 164 pp. 1-15. Peer-reviewed.
Die internationale Einbettung des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) im Rahmen des Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF)
Frick J., Jenkins S., Lillard D., Lipps O., Wooden M., 2008. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 77 (3) pp. 110-129. Peer-reviewed.
A Note on Interviewer Performance Measures in centralised CATI Surveys
Lipps O., 2008. Survey Research Methods, 2 (2) pp. 61-73. Peer-reviewed.
Interviewer and Respondent Survey Quality Effects in a CATI Panel
Lipps O., 2007. Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique, 95 pp. 5-25. Peer-reviewed.
Attrition in the Swiss Household Panel
Lipps O., 2007. Methoden - Daten - Analysen, 1 (1) pp. 45-68. Peer-reviewed.
The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and its Member Country Household Panel Studies
Frick J., Jenkins S., Lillard D., Lipps O., Wooden M., 2007. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 127 (4) pp. 627-654. Peer-reviewed.
Kontextdaten Eränzung SHP und SILC durch Kontextvariablen
Kuhn Ursina, Lipps Oliver, Zimmermann Erwin, 2006. SHP Working Paper 1_06.
Measuring and Explaining the Increase of Travel Distance : A Multilevel Analysis Using Repeated Cross Sectional Travel Surveys
Lipps O., Kunert U., 2005. DIW Discussion Papers, 492 pp. 1-25. Peer-reviewed.
Fieldwork and Survey Management
Lipps O., De Luca G., 2005. pp. 74-81 dans Börsch-Supan A., Jürges H. (eds.) Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging (MEA).
Cross National Contact Strategies
Lipps O., Benson G., 2005. Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Survey Research Methods pp. 3905 - 3914. Peer-reviewed.
Fieldwork and Sample Management in SHARE
De Luca G., Lipps O., 2005. pp. 354-355 dans Börsch-Supan A., Brugiavini A., Jürges H., Mackenbach J., Siegrist J., Weber G. (eds.) Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe : First Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging (MEA).
Where does the Increase of Travel Distance come from? A Multilevel Analysis using repeated Cross Sectional Travel Surveys.
Lipps O., Kunert U., 2005. pp. 154-173 dans Mikroökonometrische Methoden in der Verkehrsforschung: 12. Seminar für Statistik und Verkehr, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V..
Stochastische Bevölkerungsprojektion für West- und Ostdeutschland
Lipps O., Betz F., 2005. Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft, 30 (1) pp. 3-44. Peer-reviewed.
Neue Ansätze zum Verständnis der Auswirkungen verkehrspolitischer Maßnahmen auf individuelle Reaktionen : Studien zur Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung
Lipps O., 2004. pp. 209-222 dans Verkehrsgenese - Entstehung von Verkehr sowie Potenziale und Grenzen der Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Mobilität (Band 5), Dalkmann, H Lanzendorf, M. Scheiner, J..
Stochastic Population Projection for Germany - based on the Quadratic Spline approach to modelling age specific fertility rates
Betz F., Lipps O., 2004. mea Discussion paper 59 pp. 1-19.
SHARE - Measuring the ageing process in Europe
Börsch-Supan A., Jürges H., Lipps O., 2003. ZUMA Nachrichten, 53 pp. 96-113. Peer-reviewed.
Der Anpassungsprozess von Ost an West - schnell aber nicht homogen. Teil 2 der Serie : Entwicklung der Mobilität im vereinten Deutschland
Zumkeller D., Chlond B., Lipps O., 2002. Internationales Verkehrswesen, 54 (11) pp. 523-528. Peer-reviewed.
Modellierung der individuellen Verhaltensvariation bei der Verkehrsentstehung
Lipps Oliver, 2001/01/25., Universität Karlsruhe, Zumkeller Dirk (dir.).
Variation im individuellen Mobilitätsverhalten und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für die Verkehrsplanung
Lipps O., 2001. pp. 203-227 dans Dynamische und statische Elemente des Verkehrsverhaltens - Das Deutsche Mobilitätspanel, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Bergisch Gladbach).
Modellierung der individuellen Verhaltensvariationen bei der Verkehrsentstehung
Lipps O., 2001. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Verkehrswesen der Universität Karlsruhe, 58/01, Universität Karlsruhe.
Multimodalität im Personenverkehr im intrapersonellen Längsschnitt
Chlond B., Lipps O., 2000. Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Stadtbauwesen, RWTH Aachen, 69 pp. 171 - 182. Peer-reviewed.
Telekommunikation im Kontext unseres räumlichen Verhaltens
Chlond B., Lipps O., 1999. IfV Report.
Das Mobilitäts-Panel (MOP) - Konzept und Realisierung einer bundesweiten Längsschnittbeobachtung
Zumkeller D., Chlond B., Lipps O., 1999. pp. 33 - 72 dans Innovative Konzepte und Methoden in der Verkehrsstatistik, Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Bergisch Gladbach).