MEDem – Monitoring electoral democracy
Understanding voters, parties, media and elites (and how they influence policy-making) is crucial to monitoring the functioning of electoral democracy in modern societies. The proposed research [...]
Understanding voters, parties, media and elites (and how they influence policy-making) is crucial to monitoring the functioning of electoral democracy in modern societies. The proposed research [...]
The Swiss Election Study (Selects) has been investigating the electoral behaviour of Swiss citizens in national elections since 1995. The project sheds light on the dynamics of citizens’ opinion [...]
PICE is an interdisciplinary research project financed by the SNF that examines the relationship between parental investments in the education of their children and the educational success of [...]
The goal of the PAWCER project is to conduct comparative research on public attitudes towards welfare, climate change and energy, all of which are relevant to understanding conflict, identity, [...]
The project has four main aims: (1) assess the quality of survey data on wealth in Switzerland; (2) estimate the relevance of pension entitlements; (3) study the impact of migration […]
Within the framework of the ÜGK (Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen) project, students from all cantons participate in large-scale assessments in order to evaluate the harmonisation of compulsory [...]
In 2017, FORS launched a three-year pilot study together with the University of Lausanne Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. The aim of the pilot study is to follow a […]
The goal of the CESSDA SaW project was to strengthen and widen the existing CESSDA consortium (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives). CESSDA brings together social science data [...]
The purpose of the Society and Disability Monitor is to measure the attitudes of the Swiss population towards people with disabilities and their most important requirements, and to determine to [...]
Within the framework of the Open Research Data Pilot Platform Switzerland (ORD@CH) project, FORS (lead), the Digital Humanities Lab of the University of Basel and the ETH Scientific IT Services [...]