Overcoming the global despondency trap
Le cycle de conférence du GREC vous invite à suivre cette présentation de Alice Evans (King's College, London).
Le cycle de conférence du GREC vous invite à suivre cette présentation de Alice Evans (King's College, London).
Climate protesters and their motives for participating: Results from an international survey of participants in Fridays for Future climate strikes.
Zoé Kergomard from Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris presents a paper called “Shall the “people” speak? Elites and electoral participation in France, Germany and Switzerland [...]
The Methods and Research meetings are a joint seminar series organised by the Facult of Social and Political Sciences (SSP) of the University of Lausanne and FORS. The meetings are […]
La septième édition du «Festival suisse des méthodes qualitatives» se déroulera les lundi 9 et mardi 10 septembre 2019 à l’Université de Lausanne (bâtiment Géopolis). Selon une formule désormais [...]
This is the topic of the next FORS Lunch seminar with Jessica Herzing, Caroline Roberts and Daniel Gatica-Perez (EPFL). From 12:15 to 13h15 in room 5408 at Geopolis, UNIL. Smartphones […]
The European Consortium of Sociological Research (ECSR) will hold its next annual conference at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland on 12-14 September 2019. The conference theme is: [...]
The next FORS Lunch Seminar will take place on Monday, Mai 6, from 12:15 to 13h15 in room 5408 at Geopolis. Marieke Voorpostel will present the results of the mixed […]
The Institute of Sociology of the University of Neuchâtel is hosting the 2019 edition of the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association. The theme of the event is The Future […]
Simon Seiler, Marc Höglinger (ZHAW) and Jürgen Maurer (UNIL) Health of the older population in Switzerland Mandated by the Federal Office of Public Health, this study uses data from the […]