13th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland


June 14-15, 2023
Venue: University of Lausanne

The registration is now closed.

This edition will include thematic sessions covering a wide variety of topics, such as health and well-being, education and labour market, families, gender, ethnic minorities and migration, politics and attitudes, survey methodology, and longitudinal methods. The program also includes a session on TREE data and one on health literacy using SHARE data.

Scientific programme

June 14

09:15-09:45 Welcome coffee and registration at the University of Lausanne (Building Synathlon, ground floor)
09:45-10:15 Plenary (room 1216)

The Feminist Strike 2023

Carine Carvalho, Equal Opportunities Office, University of Lausanne


10:15-12:00 Session 1A: Education and labour market (Daniel Oesch) room 2212
Sofia Schroeter & Rafael Lalive, University of Lausanne

«Work from home and job satisfaction in the aftermath of the pandemic»

 Maria Caiata Zufferey & Valentina Rotondi, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)

«Returning to work after a cancer diagnosis»

 Abdelfettah Hamadi, Observatoire National du Développement Humain (ONDH), Maroc

«Education & Labor market»

Saro Gibillisco, Monica Budowski & Andreas Hadjar, University of Fribourg

«Workers’ insecurity as a process of normalization in the activation state regime: A temporal analysis of unemployment risk perception in social secure standard employment conditions in Switzerland»

10:15-12:00 Session 1B: Families and gender (Lavinia Gianettoni) room 2218
Luana Marx & Leen Vandecasteele, University of Lausanne / Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Umeå University

«How Does Couple’s Pre-unemployment Relative Income Division Moderate the Effect of Job Loss on Mental Health?»

Agata Kałamucka, Anna Matysiak & Beata Osiewalska, University of Warsaw

«Working-time flexibility and fertility: Evidence for couples in Switzerland»

Jane Bo-Hyeong Lee, Duke University / Anna Manzoni, North Carolina State University

«Women’s Configurations of Family, Work, and Education: Mapping Diverse Pathways throughout Adulthood»

Fei Bian & Leen Vandecastelle, University of Lausanne / Vanessa Gash, City, University of London

«Does It Feel Good to be the Breadwinner? Examining Gender differences in the Well-Being Effects of the Partner Pay Gap across Europe»

12:00-13:00 Lunch break at Cafeteria Unithèque
13:00-14:00 Plenary session room 1216

From SHP to Comparative Panel File: An Open-Source Model  for comparative life course studies

Konrad Turek, University of Tillburg

14:15-15:45 Session 2 A: TREE (Sandra Hupka-Brunner) room 2212
Thomas Meyer, University of Bern

«Latest Developments, Recent Results and Future Potential of the TREE Study»

Tobias Ackermann & Robin Benz, University of Bern

«Diverging Educational Aspirations Among Compulsory School-Leavers in Switzerland»

Marieke Heers, FORS / Chantal Kammb, Pädagogische Hochschule Bern / Andrés Gomensoroc & Sandra Hupka-Brunner, University of Bern

«Realizing the Immigrant Bargain? Migration as an Intergenerational Social Mobility Project»

15:45-16:15 Coffee break, Synathlon ground floor
14:15-15:45 Session 2 B: Health and well-being I (Egidio Riva) room 2218
Boris Wernli, FORS / Jacques-Antoine Gauthier, University of Lausanne / Caroline Henchoz & Tristan Coste, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Lausanne / Stéphane Cullati, University of Fribourg

«Debt trajectories and health issues in Switzerland»

Dawid Gondek & Marieke Voorpostel, FORS / Eduardo García Garzón, University of Camilo José Cela / Núria Sánchez-Mira, University of Neuchâtel /Stephanie Steinmetz & Leen Vandecasteele, University of Lausanne

«Deriving a measure of wellbeing in the Swiss Household Panel and examining its psychometric properties»

 Fiona Köster, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne / Oliver Lipps, FORS & University of Bern

«How loneliness increases in different age groups due to COVID-19 restrictions»

 Mattia Vacchiano, University of Geneva & Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES /Riccardo Valente, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain

«Psychological Distress at the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Protective Effect of Social Support Mobilized via Online and Offline Activities»

16:15-17:45 Session 3 A: Longitudinal methods and Survey methodology (Oliver Lipps & Jacques-Antoine Gauthier) room 2212
Ursina Kuhn & Oliver Lipps, FORS

«Income imputation in longitudinal surveys: a within-individual panel-regression approach»

Ewa Weychert, Beata Osiewalska, Lucas van der Velde & Anna Matysiak, LabFam (Interdisciplinary Center for Labor Market and Family Dynamics), University of Warsaw

«LabFam Individual Biographies: harmonised family and employment histories based on panel surveys»

Jean-Marie Le Goff, University of Lausanne

«The diffusion of Covid 19 in Swiss households. An application of the Longini-Koopman model»

16:15-17:45 Session 3 B: Health and well-being II (Egidio Riva) room 2218
Carmen Borrat-Besson, FORS / Maud Wieczorek, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, Lausanne & Geneva / Sarah Vilpert, FORS & Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, Lausanne & Geneva /

Ralf J. Jox, Gian Domenico Borasio & Jürgen Maurer, University of Lausanne

«Describing the stability of end-of-life (EOL) preferences and their socio-demographic correlates in

a representative sample of individuals aged 55 and over in Switzerland»

Nils D. K. H. Tritschler & Laurenz L. Meier, University of Neuchâtel / Achim Elfering, University of Bern

«My batteries are running low: A longitudinal investigation of the developments and interrelatedness of different recovery indicators in Swiss workers over the course of 12 years»

Friedemann Trutzenberg & Michael Eid, University of Berlin

«Stability and Change of Spirituality following Childbirth. Longitudinal Evidence from Data of the Swiss Household Panel using Propensity Score Matching analyses and Structural Equation Modelling»

19:00-22:00 Conference dinner at "Il Lido" (see conference pack)

June 15

10:15-12:00 Session 4 A: Politics and attitudes I (Florence Passy) room 2212
Anke Tresch, Lukas Lauener & Oliver Lipps, FORS & University of Lausanne /

Laurent Bernhard, Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA)

  «Who benefits from new issues? COVID-19 and party switching in Switzerland»

 Lukas Lauener, FORS & University of Lausanne

  «How Multiple Crises Change Citizens’ Attitudes on European Integration»

12:00-13:00 Lunch break at cafeteria Unithèque
10:15-12:00 Session 4 B: Minorities and Migration (Eva G.T. Green) room 2218
Diego Marino Fages, University of Nottingham

  «Migration and Trust: Evidence on Assimilation from Internal Migrants»

Jessica Gale, University of Lausanne, University of Canterbury & KU Leuven, Belgium / Kumar Yogeeswaran, University of Canterbury / Judit Kende, University “Libre” Brussels / Danny Osborne & Chris Sibley, University of Auckland / Mark Vanderklei, University of Canterbury / Roberto González, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile / Eva G. T. Green, University of Lausanne

«Macro-level Climate and Minority Voice: How Indigenous Multiculturalism Relates to Collective Action»

Andreas Genoni, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany & University of Neuchâtel /Didier Ruedin, University of Neuchâtel

«High hopes, high disappointment? How unmet migration expectations and discrimination shape immigrants’ destination attachment»

Jan-Erik Refle & Yves Jackson, University of Geneva / Julien Fakhoury & Claudine Burton-Jeangros, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Geneva

«Impact of legal status regularization on undocumented migrants’ self-reported and mental health in Switzerland»

13:00-15:15 Session 5 A : Politics and attitudes II (Florence Passy) room 2212

Lionel Marquis/Ursina Kuhn, FORS, University of Lausanne

  «Does ideological polarization promote political engagement? Evidence from Swiss panel data, 1999‒2020»

 Florence Passy, University of Lausanne / Oliver Lipps, FORS

  «Does Commitment Impact People’s Worldviews? Self-selection, Preparedness, or Socialization Processes at Work»

 Maud Reveilhac, University of Zürich

  «A long-term study of how news media use affects trust in the Swiss government»

15:15-15:30 Coffee Break at Synathlon ground floor
15:30-17:00 Session 6 A: Politics and attitudes III (Florence Passy) room 2212

Christophe Monnot University of Strasbourg & University of Lausanne / Boris Wernli, FORS & University of Lausanne

  «Moving away from religion: age or cohort effect? Evidence from a longitudinal survey in Switzerland»

 Andrew Zola, SciencesPo, Paris

  « Embedded Welfare State Support: Disentangling Unemployment Protection Preferences with an Age–Period–Cohort Analysis»

13:00-15:15 Session 5 B: Health literacy (Thomas Abel) room 2218

Clément Meier, University of Lausanne / Valérie-Anne Ryser & Robert Reinecke, FORS /Maud Wieczorek, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne and Geneva.

  «Older adults: a population subgroup at higher risk of insufficient health literacy»

Maud Wieczorek, Jürgen Maurer & Matthias Kliegel, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne and Geneva / Carmen Borrat-Besson, Sarah Vilpert, Robert Reinecke & Clément Meier, University of Lausanne & FORS /

  «Multiple chronic conditions and insufficient health literacy: evidence among older adults living in Switzerland»

Robert Reinecke, FORS / Clément Meier, FORS & Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne and Geneva / Maud Wieczorek & Jürgen Maurer, Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES, University of Lausanne and Geneva.

  «The Relationship Between Subjective and Objective Memory Performance with Health Literacy»

 Valérie-Anne Ryser, FORS / Clément Meier, Sarah Vilpert & Jürgen Maurer, University of Lausanne

  «The association of health literacy across personality traits among older adults»

Detailed scientific programme

last updated June 6, 2023

Booklet with all abstracts

last updated June 6, 2023


How to get to the Synathlon Building on the campus (University of Lausanne)

Contact: Dr Marieke Voorpostel: marieke.voorpostel@fors.unil.ch

The registration is now closed.